The Society for the Ancient Chinese Art is a non-profit platform for Chinese art based in Hong Kong since 2018, we share articles on trends and market analysis from independent research.
Instagram:saca_china / 公眾號:SACA學會、寶榜、茶司 / Founder:allen wang / Email:aw&
SACA學會:「皇家铭刻(二):杭州出土的高丽青瓷铭文考释 - Song Imperial Marks of Korean Celadon」
寶榜 :「蓮心千古:松心閣南北朝特別展覽(二) - North & Southern Dynasties by Lam's Gallery」
茶司 :「佐佐木道誉:茶人中的茶人,大名中的大名 - Sasaki Dōyo, the Daimyo Teamaster」
拍賣筆記 Vol.43 秦峰男:336萬,唐代白兔成交 - Mineo Hata, A White-Glazed Figure Of A Rabbit
拍賣筆記 Vol.41 坂本五郎:42万成交滑石香薰 - Sakamoto Gorō, A Sui-Tang Dynasty Polished Stone Openwork Incense Burner
大漆筆記 vol.3 秦峰男:南宋黑漆嵌螺鈿及絞絲銅線魚龍逐珠紋大蓋盒 - Mineo Hata, A mother-of-pearl and twisted-wire inlaid lacquer 'fish-dragon' box and cover
拍賣筆記 vol.40 秦峰男:42萬成交,小山富士夫《宋磁》中的宋代青白釉瓜稜式執壺 - Mineo Hata, A Song Dynasty Qingbai Ewer from Fumio’s Song Ceramics
拍賣筆記 Vol.39 坂本五郎:1860万南宋龍泉青釉弦紋貫耳壺 - Sakamoto Goro, An Southern Song Dynasty Longquan Celadon 'Kinuta' Arrow Vase
拍賣筆記 vol.38 秦峰男:78萬鈞窰青釉三足爐 vs 312萬龍泉窯青釉鬲式爐 - Mineo Hata, Two Song Dynasty Incense Burner, Green Glazed Jun vs Longquan Tripod Censer.
拍賣筆記 Vol.37 秦峰男:北朝鎏金銅立佛像 - Mineo Hata, An Inscribed Gilt-Bronze Figure Of Buddha
拍賣筆記 Vol.36 秦峰男:商代晚期「父戊」青铜方鼎,對比哈佛、上博 - The Mineo Hata Fu Wu Fangding, in Comparison with Harvard and Shanghai Museum
拍賣筆記 Vol.35 坂本五郎:50.4万成交漢代銅鎏金嵌綠松石小熊飾件 - Sakamoto Goro, A Han Dynasty Turquoise-Inlaid Gilt-Bronze 'Bear' Fitting
唐代筆記 Vol.19 坂本五郎:90萬龍泉堂投得,唐三彩貼寶相花蓋罐 - Sakamoto Gorō: A Sancai Appliqué-Decorated Sancai-Glazed 'Medallion' Jar And Cover
元代筆記 Vol.2 坂本五郎:2760万,元青花纏枝牡丹紋罐 - An Yuan Dynasty Blue And White 'Peony' Jar From Sakamoto Goro Collection
明代筆記 Vol.9 明永樂48萬英鎊(480萬港元)成交,青花纏枝靈芝紋菱花式小盤 - An Outstanding And Rare Blue And White Barbed Dish, Ming Dynasty, Yongle Period
家具筆記 Vol.3 最貴的黃花梨禪椅?翦淞閣珍藏:晚明黃花梨四出頭大禪椅 - A Rare And Exceptional Huanghuali Yokeback Meditation Chair, Chanyi, Jiansongge Collection
明代筆記 Vol.8 明洪武180萬港元成交,釉裏紅纏枝花卉紋盌 - A Rare Copper-Red 'Floral' Bowl, Ming Dynasty, Hongwu Period
家具筆記 Vol.2 明末清初 黃花梨螭龍紋頂箱櫃 - An Exceptional And Massive ‘Huanghuali’ ‘Dragon’ Compound Cabinet, 17Th Century
拍賣筆記 Vol.34 小萬柳堂扇面:全場8900萬港元,傳承顯赫、單一藏家概念引爆買家激情 - Xiao Wan Liu Tang Fan Collection, Provenance and Economics in Art Sales.
書畫筆記 vol.3 石濤1740萬港元花卉詩冊,小聽風樓收藏 - Shitao, Flowers and Poems, Canton Collection.
清代筆記 Vol.3 小聽颿樓:仇焱之504万港元清雍正珊瑚紅釉沖天耳三足爐 - An Edward T. Chow Coral-Red Enamelled Tripod Incense Burner, Canton Collection