The Society for the Ancient Chinese Art is a non-profit platform for Chinese art based in Hong Kong since 2018, we share articles on trends and market analysis from independent research.
Instagram:saca_china / 公眾號:SACA學會、寶榜、茶司 / Founder:allen wang / Email:aw&
SACA學會:「皇家铭刻(二):杭州出土的高丽青瓷铭文考释 - Song Imperial Marks of Korean Celadon」
寶榜 :「蓮心千古:松心閣南北朝特別展覽(二) - North & Southern Dynasties by Lam's Gallery」
茶司 :「佐佐木道誉:茶人中的茶人,大名中的大名 - Sasaki Dōyo, the Daimyo Teamaster」
拍賣筆記 vol.22 老傳承定窯11.97萬歐元(93.8萬人民幣)40倍估價巴黎佳士得成交 - Provenance Ding Set Reached Good Price in Paris Christie’s.
拍賣筆記 vol.21 傳世宋代建盞16.38萬歐元(128萬人民幣)巴黎佳士得成交 - Heirloom Tenomku Bowl continue to strike in Paris Christie’s.
拍賣筆記 vol.20 佳士得網絡攻擊後續:拒付贖金,50萬客戶信息被RansomHub售出 - Christie’s 500,000 Client Details Auctioned and Sold by RansomHub.
拍賣筆記 vol.19 天民樓佳士得拍賣復盤:梅瓶熱的起點? - Tianminlou Christie's Sale, the Start of Meiping heat?
拍賣筆記 vol.18 佳士得初唐白釉梅瓶882萬領銜高古,望星樓專場白手套1.227億白手套成交 - Christie’s Early Tang Moping sold for 8.82m HKD, Wangxinglou Sale made 122.7m HKD.
拍賣筆記 vol.17 雍正金飯碗267.1萬港元3倍估價Bonhams香港成交,張宗憲前一口 - Auction Notes, A Fine And Rare Pair Of Gold-Enamelled Bowl sold for 2.671m HKD in Bonhams HK.
拍賣筆記 vol.16 宋或更早白玉繩紋環203.6萬港元三十倍估價Bonhams香港成交,戰國谷紋壁亦受歡迎 - Auction Notes, A White Jade 'Rope-Twist' Ring sold for 1.6m HKD in Bonhams HK, Warring States taste becomes popular.
拍賣筆記 vol.15 大彬款紫砂406.8萬港元一百倍估價Bonhams香港成交 - Auction Notes, A Flattened Yixing Circular Teapot And Cover Sold for 4m HKD in Bonhams HK.
拍賣筆記 vol.14 撿漏!北宋銀鎏金梅瓶89.3萬邦瀚斯香港成交 - Auction Notes, A Magnificent And Rare Parcel-Gilt Silver Meiping Vase Sold for 890,000HKD in Bonhams HK.
拍賣筆記 vol.13 孔祥熙家族珍藏中國書畫精品:一代望族的獨到品味 - A Look Inside the Remarkable Art Collection of K’ung Hsiang-Hsi and His Family.
拍賣筆記 vol.12 望星樓戰報:7812.5萬蒼龍教子梅瓶創佳績,整場1.227億成交白手套! - Auction Notes, Christie’s Carved Copper-Red-Decorated ‘Dragon’ Meiping sold for 78.12mHKD.
拍賣筆記 vol.11 山中商會澄泥虎硯126萬港元成交,與故宮乾隆舊藏同款 - A Duan Tiger-Form Ink Stone And Cover, in Comparison with Palace Museum Taipei.
拍賣筆記 vol.10 佳士得網站恢復,香港春拍內容公布 - Hobbled by Cyberattack, Christie's Regain Website Control.
拍賣筆記 vol.7 伯希和、大衛威爾夏代牙璋584.2萬港元成交,高古玉再傳捷報 - A Paul Pelliot, David-Weill rare and large jade ceremonial blade, yazhang, Xia Dynasty.
拍賣筆記 vol.8 北宋定窰白釉劃雙龍洗 器底清雍正至乾隆後加 |An exceptionally rare and finely carved Dingyao 'dragon' brush washer, Cylinder: Northern Song dynasty.
拍賣筆記 vol.6 青釉坐獅139.7萬港元成交:新增盧芹齋、威尼斯1954傳承與出版,蘇富比仇焱之專場 - New Provenance and Publication Discovered for Edward T.Chow Pair of Lions.
拍賣筆記 vol.5 定窯龍紋盤431.8萬,龍泉瓶355.6萬,蘇富比樂山堂蔡一鳴張大千7757.5萬創佳績 - Discovering the Pleasure of Arts with Sotheby's from Song to Present.
拍賣筆記 vol.4 龍泉杯33.02萬,定窯碟11.4萬,蘇富比仇焱之專場宋瓷入門甄選 - Laying down the road for Song Ceramics.
拍賣筆記 vol.9 官釉八方瓶2041.5万港元,蘇富比仇焱之專場创佳绩 - An exceedingly rare guan-glazed octagonal bottle vase, Song dynasty or later.
拍賣筆記 vol. 3 戰報:邦瀚斯紐約2024玉器部分 - Hartman Collection of Ancient Chinese Jade.