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The Society for the Ancient Chinese Art is a non-profit platform for Chinese art based in Hong Kong since 2018, we share articles on trends and market analysis from independent research.

Instagramsaca_china / 公眾號:SACA學會、寶榜、茶司 / 微信號:qswang / Founderallen wang / Emailaw&


SACA學會:「深度之美:中国古代陶瓷颜色与五行哲学探索 - The Colour Philosophy of Chinese Ceramics

寶榜        :「长安彩梦:松隐阁三彩特展奏响盛唐韵律 - A Symphony of Colours from the Tang Dynasty


茶司        :「雄浑自然:泉屋博古馆的茶道收藏 - Sen-Oku Tea Ceramony

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At SACA, our journey began with a deep passion for ancient art—but our vision has always transcended time. For years, we have been dedicated to providing professional art consultation and original content that bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and contemporary aesthetics, enriching modern cultural life. Today, in order to further deepen our art research, expand our creative output, and enhance cultural exchange, we warmly invite you to become a long-term supporter. Your regular contributions will not only stabilize our operations but also directly fund service enhancements and new initiatives, ensuring that the transformative power of art reaches even more hearts and minds. Join us in safeguarding this dream of art and life, and help us keep creativity and inspiration alive!


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