北朝筆記 vol.5 谜一样的独角神兽(上)- the Unicorn Mythical Beast of Ancient China.
The Society for the Ancient Chinese Art is a non-profit platform for Chinese art based in Hong Kong since 2018, we share articles on trends and market analysis from independent research.
Instagram:saca_china / 公眾號:SACA學會、寶榜、茶司 / Founder:allen wang / Email:aw&artsaca.com
SACA學會:「皇家铭刻(二):杭州出土的高丽青瓷铭文考释 - Song Imperial Marks of Korean Celadon」
寶榜 :「蓮心千古:松心閣南北朝特別展覽(二) - North & Southern Dynasties by Lam's Gallery」
茶司 :「佐佐木道誉:茶人中的茶人,大名中的大名 - Sasaki Dōyo, the Daimyo Teamaster」
商代筆記 vol.1 古代蛙為什麼這麼貴?2881萬港元的商代大理石雕蛙 - An outstanding carved marble recumbent frog, Shang dynasty
宋代筆記 vol.46 乾隆皇帝想學商王武丁,宋代定窯孩兒枕夢中尋賢臣? - Emperor Qianlong's quest for Song Dynasty Ding Baby Pillow.
宋代筆記 vol.45 宋徽宗的枕頭?白地黑花貓蝶紋枕,磁州宮廷概念 - Emperor Huizong's Pillow? An Eskenazi Glazed slip-decorated ‘cat and butterfly’ stoneware pillow.
漢代筆記 vol. 1 獅子山楚王西漢石豹鎮 - a Western Han Dynasty Stone Leopard of the King of Chu.
唐代筆記 vol.1 全世界僅存三件的傳世唐代夾紵佛首:坂本五郎、艾斯肯納齊、何鴻卿爵士 - Three Magnificent Heirloom Tang Dynasty Lacquer Buddha head.
展覽筆記 vol.19 最偉大的磁州窯花瓶 - 納爾遜博物館鉅鹿縣龍瓶 - the Holy Grail of Cizhou, the Nelson-Atkins Dragon Vase.
拍賣筆記 vol.9 官釉八方瓶2041.5万港元,蘇富比仇焱之專場创佳绩 - An exceedingly rare guan-glazed octagonal bottle vase, Song dynasty or later.
藏家筆記 vol.1 何鴻卿爵士的中國藝術收藏 - Sir Joseph Hotung Collection.
北朝筆記 vol.3 北魏陽曲護軍虎符863.6萬港元成交,銘文:皇帝與陽曲護軍銅虎符第三、陽曲護軍、銅虎符左、銅虎符右 An inscribed bronze 'Yangqu Hujun' tiger tally set, Northern Wei dynasty.
明代筆記 vol.3 明成化青花夔龍紋盌 736.6萬成交 《大明成化年製》款 - An exceptionally rare blue and white 'kui-dragon' bowl, Mark and period of Chenghua.
高僧筆記 vol.1 無準師範 被遺忘的宋代高僧 - the Forgotten Monk of Song Dynasty, Wuzhun Shifan.
宋代筆記 vol.44 小山富士夫《宋磁》中的磁州窯瓷器 - Koyama Fujio Song Ceramics, the Perception of Cizhou in early 20th Century Japan.
宋代筆記 vol.43 小山富士夫《宋磁》中的”汝窯“瓷器與日本早期耀州窯認知 - Koyama Fujio Song Ceramics, the Perception of Ru in early 20th Century Japan.
明代筆記 vol.2 清響樓藏洪武白釉印雲龍紋大盌 - Bowl with Moulded Dragon amidst Clouds Design under White Glaze Hongwu Period, Benjamin W. Yim collection.
學者筆記 Vol.1 陳克倫:瓷器中的文人雅趣 - Scholars Note, Chen Kelun: Literati's Elegance on Ceramics.
茶人筆記 vol.1 益田孝(鈍翁):年輕人不要被短期利益所誘惑 - Teamaster Takashi Masuda (1848-1938) 's Philosophy.
明代筆記 vol.1 胡惠春 - 暫得樓藏晚明天官耳象足六角爐 - J.M.Hu Dehua Hexagonal Tripod Censer.
展覽筆記 vol.12 黑石號的金銀器 - the Gold and Silver of the Tang Shipwreck.
展覽筆記 vol.11 黑石號的越窯、邢窯及巩县窑 - the Yue, Xing and Gongxian kilns of the Tang Shipwreck.