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拍賣筆記 vol.17 雍正金飯碗267.1萬港元3倍估價Bonhams香港成交,張宗憲前一口 - Auction Notes, A Fine And Rare Pair Of Gold-Enamelled Bowl sold for 2.671m HKD in Bonhams HK.



清雍正 金彩碗一對





Yongzheng six-character mark and of the period

Each finely potted with deep round sides rising from a short foot, the interior and exterior covered with rich and shimmering gold enamel, the underside bearing a six-character mark within a double circle in underglaze blue, one bowl with a Tibetan fitted box, fitted box. Each 9.3cm (3 5/8in) diam. (3).

估價:HK$1,000,000 - 1,500,000


Provenance: A Hong Kong family collection



黃金被認為是最吉祥的金屬之一,它的華貴迎合了富人和權貴的奢靡品味。它還與道教的長生不老金丹(字面意思為 “金朱砂 ”金丹)概念有關。

Pere d'Entrecolles 在 1721 年的一封信中記錄了在景德鎮御窯瓷器上塗金的過程,他在信中提到:"當人們想要塗金時,人們會在瓷器底部研磨並混合金,直到出現一小團金。

待其晾乾後,將其摻入足量的膠水中使用。在 30 份金中加入 3 份白鉛,然後將其塗在瓷器上,就像塗釉一樣: 見 Yu Pei-chin, De Jia Qu: Qianlong Huangdi de Taoci pinwei 得佳趣-乾隆皇帝的陶瓷品味》,台北,2012 年,第 129-130 頁。


在器皿上塗上金層後,必須進行低溫燒制以固定金層;見《單色的千年》: 見《千年單色器:從大唐到清代,鮑爾和祝月堂藏品》,日內瓦,2019 年,第 165-166 頁。另見同上,第 328 頁中的相關盤子,外部覆蓋拋光鎏金,雍正六字款,為該時期的作品;

同上,第 330 頁還展示了一件 18 世紀的金琺瑯莖碗和蓋,上面刻有 “福 ”字款;以及一對同樣覆蓋拋光鍍金的杯碟,18 世紀,第 333 頁。

倫敦大英博物館珀西瓦爾-大維德爵士(Sir Percival David)收藏的一件金琺瑯杯,插圖見 M.Medley,《明清單色器物目錄》,倫敦,1989 年,第 B598 頁。R.Krahl 著,《梅蔭堂藏中國瓷器》,第 2 卷,倫敦,1994 年,第 949 頁。


Fully coated in shimmering gold enamel, the present bowl is an exceedingly rare example testifying to the Qing Imperial aesthetic taste and to the technical virtuosity of the Imperial potters during the reign of the Yongzheng Emperor.

Gold was considered one of the most auspicious metals, possessing an opulence that catered to the extravagant taste afforded by only the wealthy and powerful. It was also related to the Daoist concept of the golden elixir of Immortality (literally 'gold cinnabar' jindan).

The process of applying gold on porcelain wares in the Imperial kilns at Jingdezhen was documented by Pere d'Entrecolles in a letter dated 1721, where he mentioned: 'When one wishes to apply gold, one grinds in and mixes it in the bottom of a porcelain vessel until a little cloud of gold appears in the bottom of the water.

One allows it to dry and then uses it by mixing it in a sufficient amount of gummed water. With thirty parts of gold, one incorporates three parts of white lead, and then one applies it to the porcelain, just like a coloured glaze'See Yu Pei-chin, De Jia Qu: Qianlong Huangdi de Taoci pinwei 得佳趣—乾隆皇帝的陶瓷品味 (Obtaining Refined Enjoyment: The Qianlong Emperor's Taste in Ceramics), Taipei, 2012, pp.129-130.

The gilding process described in the letter is also accurately described in the Nanyao biji, a treatise compiled during the Qianlong period, stating:'Gilding process for gilding and silvery tracery painting: mix ten parts of gold (one qian), with one part of lead powder (one fen)'.

After the gold layer was applied to the vessel, a low firing was necessary to fix it; see A Millennium of Monochromes: From the Great Tang to the High Qing, The Baur and the Zhuyuetang Collections, Geneva, 2019, pp.165-166. See also a related dish covered with polished gilding on the exterior, Yongzheng six-character mark and of the period, illustrated in Ibid., p.328;

a gold enamelled stem bowl and cover with impressed 'fu' mark, 18th century, is also illustrated in Ibid., p.330; and a pair of cups and saucer dishes also covered with polished gilding , 18th century, p.333.

A gold enamelled cup in the Sir Percival David collection in the British Museum, London, is illustrated by M.Medley, Catalogue of Ming and Qing Monochrome Wares, London, 1989, pl.B598. And an unmarked pair of bowls, in the Meiyintang collection, is illustrated by R.Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, vol.2, London, 1994, pl.949.

See also one gold-enamelled dish, Yongzheng six-character mark and of the period, which was sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong, 3 April 2018, lot 3602.



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