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拍賣筆記 vol.22 老傳承定窯11.97萬歐元(93.8萬人民幣)40倍估價巴黎佳士得成交 - Provenance Ding Set Reached Good Price in Paris Christie’s.



Although this set of works has not been cleaned, it is in a very pristine condition, reminiscent of the old Qing Palace collection of leather shells, especially some of the Ding kiln collections now in the National Palace in Taipei. If a collection is to be used for historical and aesthetic purposes, it should be preserved in a relatively pristine condition. Any cleanliness in cleaning is the result of the pursuit of material, which, as we all know, is a relatively shallow state.

The age of this set of Ding kilns is not in dispute, and it belongs to a relatively notable collection. Collector needs a penetrating eye to see through the stains and determine the grade. The final price was €119,700, or RMB 938,000, which is not expensive. According to a reliable source, Mayuyama was the underbidder. In recent years, Mayuyama's online gallery has been in full swing, they usually bought in such venues, then relying on its reputation as a centuries-old store, doing cross-market arbitrage, which is working very well.


宋 定窯花卉紋盤及碗 一組三件


成交價:歐元 119,700

估價:歐元 3,000 – 歐元 4,000

宋 定窯花卉紋盤及碗 一組三件

Diamètre : 14,4 cm. (5 5/8 in.), 18 cm. (7 1/8 in.) et 18,9 cm. (7 ½ in.)


德國不來梅藏家Friedrich Otto Hasse (1886-1964)舊藏,1920至1950年代購自歐洲藝術品市場,后家族傳承



這件飯碗其實是不錯的,這類的銅釦,有可能是清宮舊藏。這一類是歐洲老藏家早期非常喜歡的品種,比如東方陶瓷學會的Sir Percival David、Carl Kempe、克拉克Clark等藏家。這種器型,汝窯也有,大英博物館95號廳大維德基金會收藏有一件乾隆御題的汝窯碗,是同一類型。


This rice bowl is actually quite nice, and it is possible that this type of brass button is from the old Qing Palace collection. This type is the old European collectors in the early very favorite species, such as the Oriental Ceramics Society of Sir Percival David, Carl Kempe, Clark Clark and other collectors. This type of ware, the Ru kiln also have, the British Museum, Hall 95, the Grand Weald Foundation collection of a Ru kiln bowl of the Qianlong imperial title, is the same type.

This type of Ding kiln with its heritage, with a clear early collector's collection, and maintaining traces of the original history of the collection will become more and more popular.

This June, Art d’Asie presents 240 lots of important porcelain and works of art, including cloisonné enamels, jade, and Buddhist sculptures.

Highlights include a selection of extremely rare porcelain from the Ming Dynasty, from a private European collection, comprising a yellow-ground blue and white ‘pomegranate flower’ dish from the Zhengde reign (1506-1521) and an important Junyao tripod narcissus bowl, Yuan-Ming Dynasty, 14th-15th century. Amongst the highlights, the June sale will also offer a rare and important silver-mounted agate cup stand from a Swedish private collection. All objects in the sale come from private European and French collections. From an important private European collection, we will offer a beautiful selection of early pieces, including an important Han Dynasty gilt-bronze bear. The sale will also comprise a selection of imperial Ming and Qing cloisonné from a London private collection. Also imperial from the Qianlong reign (1736-1795), a rare yuzhi sou miao xian shou shuojade book with a zitan cover comes from a private European collection. The star of our Buddhist section will be an important 13th century Malla period gilt-bronze figure of a seated Buddha previously in a Belgian private collection. The paintings section will present a painting depicting fish by Qi Baishi (1864-1957) and a beautiful seascape by Lin Fengmian (1900-1991).




6月13日 上午10:30 (歐洲中部夏令時間) 拍品 1-106

6月13日 下午02:30 (歐洲中部夏令時間) 拍品 107-246


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