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拍賣筆記 vol.24 宋鑲銀瑪瑙盞托17萬歐(133萬人民幣)巴黎佳士得成交 - A Rare And Important Silver-Mounted Agate Tea Bowl Stand China, Song Dynasty (960-1279) Or Later.

趙無極般的抽象審美,可以理解法國人為什麼會喜歡。這類瑪瑙的器物在宋代十分流行,但可惜由於量並不是很多,並不是被很多人所知道。這件器物很特別的是有19世紀的銀匠的加持,Paul Canaux & Cie。


宋或更晚 鑲銀瑪瑙盞托


歐元 60,000 – 歐元 80,000

宋或更晚 鑲銀瑪瑙盞托

Hauteur : 5,8 cm. (2 ¼ in.) ; Diamètre : 14 cm. (5 ½ in)


瑪瑙盞托銀邊由法國銀匠Paul Canaux & Cie於19世紀末至20世紀初在巴黎打造




本件盞托以一整塊紋飾瑰麗的瑪瑙雕琢而成,由中空無底的圓形盞、六瓣葵花形盤和高圈足三部分組成。 盞托雕刻刀法稚拙,打磨工藝古樸,有天真爛漫的宋人意趣,實有別於清代瑪瑙精工細琢之法。 此造型盛於宋代,傳世實例有大維德爵士藏「北宋汝窯天青釉盞托」及中國國家博物館藏「宋代瑪瑙盞托」可資比較。

台北故宮博物院所藏兩件足緣刻有「乾隆年制」篆書款的葵形瑪瑙盞托,其造型、材質、工藝均與18世紀產物有所不同。 蓋因乾隆皇帝好古成癖,每覓得前朝精品佳作,多有加刻「乾隆」款之為。 宋代盞托材質多樣,除常見的陶瓷盞托外還有金、銀和漆質。 而瑪瑙盞托則極為罕見,因其材料奢華工藝難度極大,僅為宮廷和王公貴族所專屬。 瑪瑙中典雅素淨的色彩與肌理,恰恰契合了中國古代文人對自然的遐想與追求。

目前藝術品市場上僅見2013年12月11日巴黎佳士得「Jacques and Galilia Hollander」專拍中Lot27一件體量稍大的瑪瑙盞托與本品相似,以457.500歐元成交;另有2017年5月30日 香港邦瀚斯Lot103「Baron Eugene Fould-Springer」舊藏的一件嵌銀瑪瑙葵口盞以2.880.000港幣成交,其瑪瑙色澤、肌理、紋飾與本品如出一轍。

值得一提的是,本件瑪瑙盞托由19世紀紅極一時的巴黎銀匠店L'Escalier de Cristal製做了優雅的鑲嵌,這顯然出自於前任歐洲主人的訂製。 古樸的瑪瑙盞托以這種方式得以點綴和保護,也是中國傳統文人文化與法式裝飾藝術的結合。

The current agate bowl stand is extremely rare and has a petal-form flange that was specifically made for the Northern Song court and the elite during the 11th-12th centuries. The most known related example is the Ru ware bowl stand in the collection of Sir Percival David (illustrated by R. Scott in Imperial Taste - Chinese Ceramics from the Percival David Foundation, San Francisco and Los Angeles, 1989, p. 17, no. 13), which was probably made for the court of the Northern Song emperor Huizong (r. AD 1100-25). A Southern Song silver bowl stand with petal-form flange is in the collection of the Pengzhou Municipal Museum (illustrated by M. Kopplin (ed.), in The Monochrome Principle - Lacquerware and Ceramics of the Song and Qing Dynasties, Munchen, 2008, p. 120, pl. 7). The use of stands was a practical development for the drinking of hot liquid from tea bowls without handles. In the Zi xia ji (Record of Leisurely Enjoyment) the 9th-century author Li Kuangyi stated that the first bowl stands were made in the Jianzong reign (AD 780-783). However, the earliest bowl stand excavated to date comes from a tomb dating to the Southern Dynasties in Changsha, Hunan province. By the Song dynasty, bowl stands were very popular in various materials such as ceramic, lacquer, and agate.

Agate vessels from the Song dynasty are very rare, and only one other comparable agate bowl stand, slightly larger in size (d. : 18 cm.), from the Jacques and Galilia Hollander's collection was sold at Christie's Paris, 11 December 2013, lot 27 (457.500 euros). A small number of them can be found in the collections of the National Museum of China, the Palace Museum of Beijing, and the National Palace Museum of Taipei. See an agate lobed bowl, from the collection of Baron Eugène Fould-Springer (1876-1929), dated Song dynasty or later, with Chinese silver mounting this time, sold at Bonhams Hong Kong, 30 May 2017, lot 103 (2.880.000 hkd).

The Northern Song dynasty represents one of the major peaks of intense antiquarian interest in China's history, some imperial agate pieces were also produced during the Yongzheng and Qianlong's reigns with inspiration from ancient shapes and contemporary techniques and aesthetics. However, we now know that agate bowls and bowl stands from the Song dynasty of the Qing imperial collection were sometimes carved with the emperor's mark during the Qing dynasty.

The silver mounting of the our current agate bowl stand bears the name of the marchand-éditeur and boutique L'Escalier de Cristal, named after the crystal staircase it housed, who supplied furniture, works of art and all manner of objets de luxe including clocks, vases and bibelot from showrooms in rue Auber, in the fashionable area of L'Opéra. Acquired in 1839 by M. Lahoche, the firm passed to his son-in-law, Emile Pannier, around 1864-66. In 1885, Georges and Henry Pannier succeeded their father and are recorded to have bought in 1890 design sketches from the collection of the late Édouard Lièvre: celebrated designer in ‘le style japonais et chinois’. Even if the previous European owners probably ignored the actual function of this vessel at the end of the 19th century, they must have cherished it by asking the French silver maker Paul Canaux & Cie to design the elegant silver mounting. The borders are delicately enveloped by the silver plate and the stylized openwork flower beautifully complements the petals of our current bowl stand: the original agate stand is at the same time embellished and protected this way, embodying a perfect example of the dialogue between the Literati Chinese culture and the elegant French aesthetics.

This June, Art d’Asie presents 240 lots of important porcelain and works of art, including cloisonné enamels, jade, and Buddhist sculptures.

Highlights include a selection of extremely rare porcelain from the Ming Dynasty, from a private European collection, comprising a yellow-ground blue and white ‘pomegranate flower’ dish from the Zhengde reign (1506-1521) and an important Junyao tripod narcissus bowl, Yuan-Ming Dynasty, 14th-15th century. Amongst the highlights, the June sale will also offer a rare and important silver-mounted agate cup stand from a Swedish private collection. All objects in the sale come from private European and French collections. From an important private European collection, we will offer a beautiful selection of early pieces, including an important Han Dynasty gilt-bronze bear. The sale will also comprise a selection of imperial Ming and Qing cloisonné from a London private collection. Also imperial from the Qianlong reign (1736-1795), a rare yuzhi sou miao xian shou shuojade book with a zitan cover comes from a private European collection. The star of our Buddhist section will be an important 13th century Malla period gilt-bronze figure of a seated Buddha previously in a Belgian private collection. The paintings section will present a painting depicting fish by Qi Baishi (1864-1957) and a beautiful seascape by Lin Fengmian (1900-1991).




6月13日 上午10:30 (歐洲中部夏令時間) 拍品 1-106

6月13日 下午02:30 (歐洲中部夏令時間) 拍品 107-246


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