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青銅筆記 vol.9 商代大斝:克里夫蘭博物館所藏,坂本五郎經手 - Ex-Sakamoto Goro, Shang Dynasty Jia, Cleveland Museum of Art Collection.






約 10 年前,經銷商寺崎先生在島本先生的藝術商店首次看到這件青銅器。據說,島本先生是在第二次世界大戰前從一位擁有肥皂公司 Mizura Co. 的著名收藏家手中得到這件青銅器的,而這件青銅器早在明治時期就已傳到日本。六年前,寺崎先生從島本夫人手中購得。



坂本五郎 Sakamoto Goro

Ancient bronze vessels are ritual and religious in nature, linked inextricably to political legitimization, and are source materials for Chinese historiography and traditional antiquarianism.


This large wine vessel (or jia) is among those very rare, monumental pieces uncovered from Anyang, the last royal capital of the Shang dynasty (c.1700–c.1100 BCE). Probably very few monumental bronze vessels were ever made; each of them must have cost a fortune and was used to designate high-ranking (often royal) status. Even fewer have survived. This wine vessel was used for the ancestral rites of the Shang. Its three splayed legs supported the cup over a fire, suggesting that the wine might be heated.

Offering wine and food to their departed ancestors was an essential ritual practice performed by the Shang royalty and aristocracy. The Shang people believed that their ancestors were able to intercede with the high god to confer fruitful harvests and victories in battles. Their ritual actions involved communication with the supernatural realm (and this was further supported by the practice of divination with the use of a tortoise shell or a cattle shoulder blade). Here, the animal mask on the bronze vessel stares frontally at the viewer and serves symbolically as a messenger of communication with the ancestors. It conjures up the potency of mystery, whereas the static monumentality of the bronze vessel lends an air of dignified solemnity to the ritual ceremony.


The dealer, Mr. Terasaki, first saw this piece of bronze vessel at the art shop of Mr. Shimamoto about 10 years ago. It was reported that Mr. Shimamoto got it before World War II from a famous collector who owned a soap company, Mizura Co., and the piece came to Japan as early as the Meiji period. Six years ago, Mr. Terasaki acquired it from Mrs. Shimamoto.

Notably, this dealer, Mr. Terasaki, is a disciple of Mr. Sakamoto Goro of Hugen Do, a prominent Japanese collector/dealer of Chinese art, especially Chinese bronze. (The Cleveland set of ink bamboos of four seasons, Yuan dynasty Chinese paintings, was once collected by Mr. Sakamoto.) As confirmed by a curator of the Kyoto National Museum, Mr. Terasaki also supplies great works of art for the KNM.


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