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茶入筆記 vol.17 中興名物:鏡河,瀨戶茶入(內箱:小堀遠州、外箱:平瀨露香)- Chiugo Meibutsu, Seto Chaire Kagamigawa (Kobori Enshu, Box Inscription)





  • :兩蓋四仕覆,分別為萌黃色地花兔金襴、遠州緞子宮內間道、大燈金襴(圖中從右起)。

  • :鐵刀木製內盒,桐木黑塗合漆,金銀粉字形;書簽為小堀遠州筆跡,蓋內附貼紙書簽亦為其筆。

  • 外盒:桐木春慶塗,銀粉字形;書簽為平瀨露香筆跡。


【尺寸】高度:8.2 公分胴徑:6.5 公分














【付属物】 蓋―二仕覆四、萌黄地花兎金襴・遠州緞子宮内間道・大燈金襴(図版右より)家―鉄刀木 内箱 桐黒掻合塗、金銀粉字形・書付小堀遠州筆、蓋裏貼紙書付同筆 外箱 桐春慶塗、銀粉字形・書付平瀬露香筆【伝来】関善左衛門 大阪竹屋某―上野家【寸法】 高さ:8.2 胴径:6.5

その銘は『夫木集』の「大治三年八月、広田社歌合月述懐と題せる神祇伯顕仲の歌 鏡河かけ見る月に底澄みて沈むみくづのはずかしきかな」の歌を茶入の景に因んで遠州が付け、箱甲に「鏡河」(鏡を金、河を銀)の字形、裏に色紙で引歌が貼られています。草間和楽筆の『茶器名物図彙』によると、関善左衛門所持とあり、この人は正徳四年に中村蔵之助らの事件で銀座年寄の一人として所になっており、当然所蔵の道具も売りに出され、いずれかへ処分されたものと考えられますが、その先は明らかでありません。その後大阪竹屋某が所持し、さらに上野理一の有となりました。




『古今名物類聚』 『麟鳳亀龍』『目利草』などの名物記をはじめ諸記録に記載されており、また外箱に平瀬露香が内容を詳しく記していることがゆかしく思われます。

Kagami-gawa (Mirror River)

A Renowned Masterpiece of the Restoration Era

Seto Kinkazan Kiln Tea Caddy, Shinnyo-do Style


  • Lid: Two lids with four shifuku (silk pouches): Mōegi-jihana-usagi brocade, Enshū-don-su Miyauchi-kandōbrocade, and Daitō-style brocade (from right to left in the illustration).

  • Box:

    • Inner Box: Made of ironwood with a paulownia wood base, coated with black lacquer. Features inscriptions in gold and silver powder. Includes a signed paper by Kobori Enshū on the box's lid and a pasted paper inscription under the lid, also in his handwriting.

    • Outer Box: Made of paulownia wood with spring lacquer coating, inscribed with silver powder characters and signed by Hirase Rosho.

[Provenance]Previously owned by Seki Zenzaemon, later by an Osaka merchant known as Takeya, and subsequently by the Ueno family.

[Dimensions]Height: 8.2 cmBody Diameter: 6.5 cm

Origin of the Name

The tea caddy's name, Kagami-gawa (Mirror River), originates from a waka poem found in the Fubokushū anthology, attributed to Jingi-haku Akinaka. The poem, titled "Describing Moon Reflections at Hirota Shrine in August, Daiji 3 (1128)," reads:

鏡河かけ見る月に底澄みて沈むみくづのはずかしきかな(The moon reflected in Mirror River,with its bottom so clear,makes the debris that sinks thereappear shameful.)

Kobori Enshū named the tea caddy based on this poem. He inscribed the characters "鏡河" (Mirror River) on the box lid in gold for "Mirror" and silver for "River," with an accompanying sheet of paper containing the poem pasted inside the lid.


According to Kusama Waraku's Chaki Meibutsu Zue (Illustrated Collection of Famous Tea Utensils), this tea caddy was originally owned by Seki Zenzaemon. Zenzaemon, implicated in an incident involving Nakamura Kuranosuke during the Shōtoku 4 (1714) era, was dismissed from his position as a silver mint elder, leading to the dispersal of his belongings. The caddy was eventually acquired by an Osaka merchant named Takeya and later became the property of Ueno Riichi.

Physical Characteristics

The tea caddy features a slightly flared rim created with a carefully applied nerikaeshi technique. It has gently sloping shoulders, sharp, clean edges, and a nearly straight body that slightly tapers at the base.

The surface is coated with a thick black-amber glaze, blending black-brown and persimmon-colored metallic hues to create a rich and vibrant visual texture. The base reveals clay rich in metallic elements and features a distinctive wheel-cut finish.

Historical and Literary Mentions

This tea caddy has been documented in several renowned sources, including Kokon Meibutsu Ruijū (Collection of Ancient and Modern Masterpieces), Rinpō Kiryū, and Mekiki-gusa. The inscriptions on the outer box, written by Hirase Rosho, provide a detailed and elegant description of the caddy, further enhancing its historical and artistic value.



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