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茶碗筆記 vol.09 哈佛大學博物館:南宋銀毫天目茶碗 - Harvard University, Silver Hare’s Fur Nogime Tenmoku

Ceramic bowl with iridescent glaze, displaying blue and gray hues. The bowl is set on a plain white background, reflecting a serene mood.

此茶碗出自大衛·伯格(David Berg)的收藏,是一件日本傳世的天目茶碗。





Elderly man in a suit stands in front of a wall of books. Serious expression, striped shirt, and tie. Setting is a library or study.


高:7.3 公分

直徑:12.7 公分

( 2 7/8  x 5 )


大衛·伯格(紐約,至1999年)—— 遺贈;1999年捐贈給哈佛大學阿瑟·M·薩克勒博物館。

大衛·伯格 (1904–1999)



A black ceramic bowl, shown upside-down on a white surface, features the text "1999.2386" on its base. The glaze has a subtle iridescent sheen.

Close-up of a ceramic bowl's base with rough texture. Iridescent glaze visible on edges. Text "1999.326" marked on the bottom.


  • 《收藏十年:亞洲藝術收購 1990–1999》


    2000年3月11日 – 2000年11月5日

  • 《綿延不絕的山水:中國、韓國與日本的山水畫》


    2000年11月25日 – 2001年8月26日

  • 《岩石、山川、風景與園林:東亞繪畫的精髓(2004)》


    2004年1月31日 – 2004年8月1日

  • 《引人注目的傳承:東亞繪畫大師作品》


    2004年8月24日 – 2005年3月20日

  • 《開拓新境:二十世紀東亞繪畫》


    2005年5月3日 – 2005年10月16日

  • 《Downtime》(休憩時光)


    2007年4月28日 – 2008年4月20日

  • 《茶の湯:日本茶文化的傳統與現代》


    2009年1月20日 – 2009年4月26日

  • 《成癮的物件:鴉片、帝國與中國藝術貿易》


    2023年9月15日 – 2024年1月14日

A black ceramic bowl with iridescent blue-green patterns inside, set against a plain white background.

David Berg, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, arrived with his family at Ellis Island in 1904. He spent his afterschool hours at the 125th street branch of the New York Public Library. David Berg graduated from The University of Pittsburgh and Harvard Law School. He was a real estate lawyer, investor, and philanthropist.

David Berg was a strong supporter of the State of Israel and Jewish communal organizations in the United States. He was interested in museums, the history of immigration, the restoration of synagogue buildings, the restitution of Jewish communal property, and services for the indigent and the elderly.

The David Berg Foundation awards grants based on its Founder’s philanthropic interests. David Berg’s love for The United States of America and pride in the establishment of the democratic State of Israel were the cornerstones for his philosophy and the focus of his philanthropy.

The David Berg Foundation was established in 2000 to carry on his philanthropic legacy.


H. 7.3 x Diam. 12.7 cm (2 7/8 x 5 in.)


Recorded Ownership History

David Berg, New York (by 1999), bequest; to Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Harvard University, 1999.


David Berg (1904–1999)

Publication History

Sadako Ohki, Tea Culture of Japan, exh. cat. (New Haven, 2009), p. 24 & 83/Cat. 7, repr.

Exhibition History

A Decade of Collecting: Asian Acquisitions 1990-1999, Harvard University Art Museums, Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Cambridge, 03/11/2000 - 11/05/2000

Streams and Mountains without End: Landscape Paintings from China, Korea, and Japan, Harvard University Art Museums, Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Cambridge, 11/25/2000 - 08/26/2001

Rocks, Mountains, Landscapes and Gardens: The Essence of East Asian Painting ('04), Harvard University Art Museums, Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Cambridge, 01/31/2004 - 08/01/2004

A Compelling Legacy: Masterworks of East Asian Painting, Harvard University Art Museums, Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Cambridge, 08/24/2004 - 03/20/2005

Forging the New: East Asian Painting in the Twentieth Century, Harvard University Art Museums, Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Cambridge, 05/03/2005 - 10/16/2005

Downtime, Harvard University Art Museums, Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Cambridge, 04/28/2007 - 04/20/2008

Chanoyu: Japanese Tea Culture Past and Present, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, 01/20/2009 - 04/26/2009

Objects of Addiction: Opium, Empire, and the Chinese Art Trade, Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, 09/15/2023 - 01/14/2024

Text reads "Collectors and Dealers of Asian Art" over dark background. Below, detailed text describes provenance research in art collection.

Glossy black ceramic bowl on a plain white background. Simple, elegant design with an even reflective surface.


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