Alfred and Ivy Clark
克拉克夫婦(Alfred 和 Ivy Clark)在藝術市場上留下了不可磨滅的印記,他們憑藉卓越的審美眼光和不凡的收藏品味,改變了中國古董市場的格局,樹立了品味與價值的標杆。他們的傳奇不僅僅是簡單的收藏故事,而是一部關於文化品味、藝術價值和市場影響的史詩,至今仍讓後人景仰和追隨。
SACA學會2019年11月4日發表:《松隐幽归:绽放自然的克拉克伉俪珍藏 - the Alfred & Ivy Clark Collection》

克拉克夫婦的收藏以其精緻、嚴謹和卓越著稱。與喜歡廣泛收藏的大維德爵士(Sir Percival David)不同,他們選擇了一條極具個性化的路徑:只收集最頂級、最稀有的藝術品。他們的收藏理念是寧缺毋濫,專注於質量而非數量。這種近乎苛求的態度,使得他們每一件藏品都成為藝術市場的絕佳代表。大維德爵士的妻子戴維夫人曾讚美克拉克夫婦對中國瓷器的鑑賞力是「高雅且具洞察力」,這無疑是對他們非凡審美的一種極高肯定。


克拉克藏品不僅在市場上耀眼奪目,也成為許多頂級收藏家爭相收藏的對象。日本著名收藏家安宅英一(Ataka Eiichi)在1975年購入了一件克拉克收藏的梅瓶;

日本著名收藏家安宅英一(Ataka Eiichi)在1975年購入,克拉克收藏的梅瓶



克拉克龍杯 北宋 d. 9.5 cm
出版 + 展覽
《懷古堂》, 紐約, 2001年秋季刊, 82號
值得一提的是,克拉克先生的一生不僅僅致力於收藏,他在聲音錄製領域的創新、與愛迪生的合作以及對巴黎聲音博物館(Musée de la Voix)的貢獻,也展示了他將技術與文化完美結合的能力。他的成功為克拉克夫婦的藝術收藏提供了雄厚的資金基礎,而他們的審美與品味又將這些財富轉化為不可估量的文化遺產。

The Clarks' Legacy
The Clarks left an indelible mark on the art market, shaping taste and setting records. Here are some key aspects of their legacy:

▲ 克拉克(中)、澳洲低男中音歌手 Peter Dawson(左,1882-1961)、出生俄羅斯之英國鋼琴家 Mark Hambourg(右,1879-1960)與 HMV 小狗 Nipper,攝於1931年3月20日。
Impeccable Taste and High Standards
The Clarks were known for their refined taste and the exceptional quality of their collection. Lady David, wife of the renowned collector Sir Percival David, described the Clarks' appreciation of porcelain as "exquisite and discerning." They carefully curated their collection, prioritizing quality over quantity, which set them apart from collectors like Sir Percival David who amassed vast holdings. Their focus on excellence earned them the respect of fellow collectors, dealers, and institutions.
Market Validation through Auction Success
Pieces from the Clark collection consistently achieve remarkable prices at auction, often setting new records. Anything bearing the Clark label is almost guaranteed to perform exceptionally in the market. This consistent success solidifies their reputation as tastemakers and further elevates the value associated with their name. Some notable examples include:The 2012 Sotheby's sale of a Ruyao washer from the Clark collection, which achieved a record-breaking price of HK$207,860,000 (US$26.7 million).The 2014 Sotheby's sale of a Dingyao carved ‘flower’ bowl (the "Clark Dingyao"), which fetched an astonishing HK$146.8 million, setting a world record for Dingyao and remaining unbeaten to this day.
Influence on Other Collectors
Major collectors and institutions have sought to acquire pieces from the Clark collection, demonstrating the impact of their taste and judgment on the market. Examples include:Japanese collector Yasushi Anzakai's purchase of a Clark meiping in 1975.The British Rail Pension Fund and the MOA Museum of Art acquiring a green-glazed rabbit-motif jar from the Clark collection.The renowned Japanese antique dealer Sakamoto Goro holding the "Clark Dingyao" before its 2014 resale.Francisco Capelo, a prominent Portuguese collector of Song porcelain, possessing a black-glazed 'partridge' dish from the Clark collection.
Lasting Legacy
Despite primarily selling rather than donating their collection, the Clarks' legacy endures. Their name remains the most prominent association with pieces from their collection, even after passing through other prestigious hands. This enduring recognition highlights the enduring impact of their discerning taste and the remarkable quality of their collection.
The Clarks' story goes beyond mere collecting. Alfred Clark's success in the nascent recording industry, his collaboration with Thomas Edison, and his contributions to the Musée de la Voix showcase a life dedicated to innovation and preservation. Their combined story intertwines technological advancement, artistic appreciation, and a legacy that continues to resonate in the art world. Their approach to collecting set a benchmark for connoisseurship, reminding us that quality and discerning taste can shape markets and inspire generations.

松岡美術館藏 克拉克鈞窯

▲ 元青花龍紋梅瓶,克拉克伉儷舊藏,大英博物館藏 - 1935年6月6日Charles Russell Collection專場中由Bluett以£110夠得,後進入克拉克珍藏,大英博物館與1972年購藏自克拉克夫人。1980年,從江西省高安縣的元朝寶藏中挖出這種形式的釉下藍色裝飾的梅瓶,現藏高安縣博物館。這件作品的蓋子,可以完好無損地保留下來是非常罕見的。
克拉克夫婦(Alfred 和 Ivy Clark)的收藏風格與大維德爵士(Sir Percival David)形成了鮮明的對比,凸顯了他們對「質」的追求遠遠超越了「量」的概念。大維德爵士以廣泛收藏聞名,建立了一個規模龐大的中國瓷器收藏體系,而克拉克夫婦則堅持只收集最頂尖、最稀有的藝術品,展示了對精緻美學的極致追求。他們的每一件藏品都經過深思熟慮的篩選,最終成為市場上的經典代表。
大維德爵士夫人(Lady David)曾高度讚揚克拉克夫婦的收藏品味,形容他們對瓷器的鑑賞「高雅且具洞察力」。這一評價不僅是對他們藝術品位的極高肯定,也顯示了他們在收藏界的卓越地位。克拉克夫婦的這種嚴謹和專注,使得他們被譽為收藏界的「狙擊團隊」,因為他們只追求那些最稀有、最具藝術價值的目標,而非數量的堆積。相比之下,大維德爵士的藏品雖然規模龐大,但市場表現與聲譽難以與克拉克來源的藏品相提並論。

瑞士私人收藏 龍泉窯三足爐
The Clarks' Collecting Style vs. Sir Percival David
The Clarks' collecting style and that of Sir Percival David highlight their focus on quality over quantity. While Sir Percival David amassed a vast collection of Chinese ceramics, the Clarks were known for their meticulous selection and prioritization of exceptional pieces.
Lady David, wife of Sir Percival, noted the Clarks' "exquisite and discerning" taste in porcelain.
This emphasis on quality over quantity earned them the moniker of a "sniper team" in comparison to Sir Percival David, whose collection was notable for its sheer size.
This difference is also reflected in the market performance of pieces from their respective collections.
Objects with the Clark provenance consistently achieve high prices at auction, often setting records, solidifying their reputation as tastemakers.
This suggests that the Clarks' discerning eye and rigorous selection process played a significant role in shaping their legacy and influencing the market's perception of value.

克拉克舊藏、大維德爵士舊藏,大英博物館 南宋龍泉窯雙魚洗

▲ 1935年倫敦中國藝術國際展覽會,第1150號,吉州窯木葉鬥笠盞 - 2011蘇富比倫敦337250英鎊成交,這應該是木葉盞至今的世界紀錄,克拉克品位依然是市場的保證,參加過無數次展覽,並由繭山龍泉堂遞藏。
克拉克藏品的影響力不僅限於拍賣市場,還深深吸引了世界各地的頂尖收藏家與機構。例如,日本的安宅英一(Ataka Eiichi)於1975年購入一件克拉克收藏的梅瓶;英國鐵路養老基金和MOA美術館共同收藏了他們的綠釉兔紋罐;日本古董名家坂本五郎(Sakamoto Goro)曾短暫擁有「克拉克定窯」並於2014年轉售;而葡萄牙宋瓷收藏家法蘭西斯科·卡佩羅(Francisco Capelo)也珍藏了一件黑釉「鷓鴣斑」碟。這些著名藏家的選擇與認可,不僅為克拉克藏品的市場價值提供了強有力的支持,也進一步提升了克拉克品牌在藝術界的地位。

Why Pieces from the Alfred and Ivy Clark Collection Consistently Achieve High Prices in Auctions
The "Clark Brand" and Association with Quality
Over time, the name "Clark" has become synonymous with exceptional quality and discerning taste in the field of Chinese ceramics. This reputation, built through their meticulous selection process and focus on quality over quantity, has created a powerful brand association. As a result, any piece with a Clark provenance carries an inherent mark of distinction, attracting serious collectors and driving up prices.
Impeccable Taste Validated by Market Success
The Clarks' consistent success at auction further solidifies their reputation as tastemakers. The extraordinary prices achieved by pieces from their collection, including record-breaking sales, serve as undeniable proof of their discerning eye and the exceptional quality of their holdings. This track record of market validation significantly contributes to the high value attributed to anything bearing the Clark label.
Rarity and Historical Significance
Many pieces in the Clark collection are rare and historically significant, further enhancing their desirability and value. For example, the pair of Ruyao washers, one of which achieved a record-breaking price at auction, exemplifies this point. These factors, coupled with the Clark provenance, create a potent combination that drives intense competition among collectors, resulting in high sale prices.
Influence on Prominent Collectors and Institutions
The acquisition of Clark pieces by renowned collectors and institutions like Yasushi Anzakai, the British Rail Pension Fund, the MOA Museum of Art, Sakamoto Goro, and Francisco Capelo further reinforces the desirability and value associated with the Clark name. The fact that these influential figures sought out and acquired pieces from the Clark collection serves as a testament to the collection's quality and importance, contributing to the high prices commanded by these pieces in the market.
In essence, the high prices achieved by Clark pieces at auction are a result of a confluence of factors: the reputation of the "Clark brand," the consistent market validation of their impeccable taste, the rarity and historical significance of the pieces themselves, and the desirability conferred by their ownership by prominent collectors and institutions. These elements combine to create a powerful aura around any piece with a Clark provenance, ensuring continued interest and high demand among collectors.

日本私人收藏 克拉克南宋官窑贯耳瓶
1. 克拉克夫婦是誰?阿爾弗雷德·克拉克(Alfred Clark,1873-1950)是一位出生於美國的企業家,也是聲音錄製行業的先驅。他在留聲機的發展過程中發揮了關鍵作用,並促成了EMI的成立。他的妻子艾薇·克拉克(Ivy Clark)則與他共享對藝術的熱情,特別是對中國陶瓷的深厚興趣。他們夫婦攜手打造了一個無與倫比的中國陶瓷收藏,為藝術市場留下了傳奇。
2. 克拉克夫婦的收藏為何如此重要?克拉克夫婦的收藏被譽為西方最重要的中國陶瓷收藏之一,甚至可與著名的大維德爵士(Sir Percival David)藏品相媲美。他們的收藏以其非凡的品質、精緻的品味和對宋代陶瓷的專注而著稱,特別是稀有的汝窯、官窯和定窯瓷器,成為世界陶瓷收藏領域的經典標杆。這些藏品不僅是中國陶瓷工藝的巔峰之作,更是中西文化交融的見證。
3. 克拉克夫婦的收藏有哪些著名藏品?他們的收藏中有許多驚世之作,每一件都具有無與倫比的藝術價值和市場影響力。部分代表作包括:
4. 克拉克的職業生涯如何影響他的收藏?阿爾弗雷德·克拉克在聲音錄製行業的成功,為他的收藏提供了強大的財務支持。他在國際舞台上的頻繁活動,特別是在法國的經歷,讓他接觸到了大量的亞洲藝術作品,並深受啟發。他的商業頭腦和全球化視野,使他能夠以極具策略性的方式建立一個無與倫比的收藏體系。
5. 克拉克收藏的藏品現在哪裡?克拉克夫婦的一部分藏品被捐贈給了大英博物館,成為該館收藏的核心。然而,他們的大多數藏品通過拍賣行,尤其是蘇富比,流入了全球的頂尖博物館和私人收藏之中。這些珍寶如今分布於世界各地,成為無數收藏家和藝術機構追捧的對象。
6. 克拉克夫婦對藝術市場的影響是什麼?克拉克夫婦的名字已成為中國陶瓷領域卓越品味與品質的象徵。凡是帶有「克拉克來源」的藏品,在拍賣市場上幾乎總能脫穎而出,屢創天價,成為市場上的明星。這種現象不僅強化了他們的個人聲譽,也改變了市場對中國陶瓷的價值判斷,使「克拉克」這一名字成為收藏界的黃金標誌。
7. 其他著名收藏家和專家如何評價克拉克夫婦?克拉克夫婦在收藏界贏得了廣泛的尊敬。他們的品味被同行和學者高度認可。大維德爵士夫人(Lady David)曾形容克拉克夫婦的品味「精準無誤」,並讚美他們的審美為「細膩而高雅」。此外,他們還是東方陶瓷學會(Oriental Ceramic Society)的積極成員,通過展覽與學術活動推動了中國陶瓷在國際間的影響力。
8. 克拉克夫婦的遺產有何持久意義?克拉克夫婦對卓越品質的追求和對藝術的承諾,為中國陶瓷收藏樹立了無可超越的標杆。他們的藏品無論經歷多少代流轉,始終因「克拉克來源」而熠熠生輝。他們的故事不僅激勵著當代的收藏家,還為未來提供了持續探索與學習的範本。他們讓世界看到了中國陶瓷的無窮魅力,也提醒我們,真正的藝術收藏,源自於對文化的敬畏與對美的極致追求。

克拉克 北宋巨鹿縣砵
The Alfred & Ivy Clark Collection: An FAQ
1. Who were Alfred and Ivy Clark?
Alfred Clark (1873-1950) was an American-born entrepreneur and pioneer in the sound recording industry. He was instrumental in the development of the gramophone and played a key role in the formation of EMI. Ivy Clark, his wife, shared his passion for art, particularly Chinese ceramics.
2. What made the Alfred & Ivy Clark Collection so significant?
The Clarks assembled one of the most important collections of Chinese ceramics in the West, rivaling even the renowned collection of Sir Percival David. Their collection was known for its exceptional quality, refined taste, and focus on Song Dynasty ceramics, including rare Ru, Guan, and Ding wares.
3. What are some of the most famous pieces from the Clark Collection?
Highlights include:
A pair of Ruyao xi (washing bowls), one of which was donated to the British Museum in 1936 and the other sold at Sotheby's in 2012 for a record-breaking HK$207.86 million.
A Dingyao twelve-lobed xi, sold at Sotheby's in 2014 for HK$146 million, still holding the world auction record for Ding ware.
A Yuan dynasty blue-and-white meiping (prunus vase) with dragon motif, now in the British Museum.
4. How did Alfred Clark's career influence his collecting?
Clark's success in the music industry provided him with the financial resources to pursue his passion for collecting. His international travels, particularly to France, likely exposed him to Asian art.
5. Where did the Clark Collection end up?
The Clarks donated some pieces to the British Museum, but the majority of their collection was sold through auctions, particularly at Sotheby's. Pieces from their collection are now housed in major museums and private collections worldwide.
6. What impact did the Clarks have on the art market?
The Clark name became synonymous with exceptional taste and quality in Chinese ceramics. Items with a Clark provenance often achieve extraordinary prices at auction, demonstrating the enduring legacy of their connoisseurship.
7. What did other prominent collectors and experts think of the Clarks?
The Clarks were highly respected by fellow collectors and scholars. Lady David, wife of Sir Percival David, described the Clarks' taste as "unerring" and admired their refined aesthetic. They were also active members of the Oriental Ceramic Society.
8. What is the lasting significance of Alfred and Ivy Clark's legacy?
The Clarks' discerning eye and commitment to quality have left an indelible mark on the field of Chinese art. Their collection continues to inspire collectors and set benchmarks for connoisseurship in the 21st century.

1899年,克拉克前往法國,創立了Compagnie de Gramophone Française,為德彪西和格里格等著名作曲家錄製專輯,開創音樂與藝術融合的新篇章。

Timeline of Events
1873: December 19: Alfred Clark is born in New York City.
1890s: Clark attends Franklin School in Washington D.C. and City College of New York. At 16, Clark joins the North American Phonograph Company
1894: The North American Phonograph Company dissolves. Clark begins working with Thomas Edison at his "Black Maria" studio, producing early short films using the Kinetoscope.
1895: Clark directs "Execution of Mary Stuart," the first film with special effects. Clark transitions to work at Edison's Phonograph Company.
1899: Clark travels to France, representing Edison and Emile Berliner in promoting phonograph technology. Clark founds Compagnie de Gramophone Française. Clark's company records albums for renowned composers like Claude Debussy and Edvard Grieg.
1904: Clark sells his French company for £23,000.
1907: Clark co-founds Musée de la Voix (Museum of Voice) in Paris, earning him the Légion d'honneur.
1908: Clark moves to England. He re-establishes his gramophone company.Post-World War I: Clark collaborates with the Victor Talking Machine Company, developing radio technology.
1931: Clark's company merges with the Columbia Graphophone Company to form EMI.
1935: The International Exhibition of Chinese Art is held at the Royal Academy of Arts in London. Alfred and Ivy Clark loan 61 pieces from their collection to the exhibition.
1936: The BBC starts using EMI's broadcasting system. The Clarks donate a Ruyao washer to the British Museum.World War II: Clark shifts EMI's focus from civilian equipment to radar technology.
1946: Clark retires.
1950: Alfred Clark dies.
1953: Sotheby’s holds an auction featuring items from the Clark collection.
1975: Sotheby’s holds a dedicated auction for items from Ivy Clark’s collection.
1978: The Clarks' collection, including a Ruyao vase, is donated to the British Museum.
2010s and Beyond:
Pieces from the Alfred and Ivy Clark collection continue to appear in auctions, fetching record-breaking prices. Notable sales include:
2012: A Ruyao washer sells for HK$207,860,000 at Sotheby's Hong Kong, setting a record for Song Dynasty ceramics.
2014: A Dingyao carved 'lotus' bowl sells for HK$146,800,000 at Sotheby's Hong Kong, maintaining the world record for Dingyao.
2017: A Northern Song Dynasty Dingyao black-glazed 'partridge-spot' dish sells for HK$14,500,000 at Sotheby's Hong Kong. The legacy of the Clarks’ connoisseurship continues to influence the art market and inspire collectors.