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拍賣筆記 vol.20 佳士得網絡攻擊後續:拒付贖金,50萬客戶信息被RansomHub售出 - Christie’s 500,000 Client Details Auctioned and Sold by RansomHub.



2024年5月10日:網站被轉至臨時網站,所有數據不可訪問 (

2024年5月27日:RansomHub宣布對佳士得的攻擊負責,並在暗網發布一些客戶的信息作為證據。紐約時報跟進報導:In a post on the dark web on Monday, the group claimed that it had gained access to sensitive information about the world’s wealthiest art collectors, posting only a few examples of names and birthdays.(


“The data from some clients’ passports included full name, gender, passport number, expiry date, and date and place of birth. From other IDs, such as drivers’ licenses or national identity cards, all data shown on the front of the cards was compromised, including name, date of birth, country, and document number.What was not exposed was copies of the documents or contact information (if not listed on the document).”



2024年6月5日:RansomHub宣布資料已經賣掉 - SOLD(



同時間,一位“Efstathios Maroulis, of Dallas, Texas”的客戶,相信是vice president and general manager of dental analytics and patient experience at a firm identified as Henry Schein One,應該是佳士得的客戶,將佳士得告上法庭。

在長達56頁的訴狀中,原告詳細列舉了佳士得的各種過失,並宣稱其沒有妥當保護客戶的隱私,這其中包括護照上可以掃碼的區域(MRZ refers to the “machine readable zone”),50萬個客戶相信受到影響。

佳士得2024年香港春拍總共斬獲23億港元(HK$2.3 billion / US$297 million),去年2023年香港秋拍斬獲30億港元。


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