明 洪武 (1368-1398)
高 10 厘米
口徑 20.2 厘米
Mrs. Walter Sedgwick • 沃爾特 • 賽奇韋克夫人 (1883-1967)
Hirano Kotoken Co., Ltd. • 平野古陶軒
《The Important Collection of Chinese Ceramics, Lacquer, Cloisonne Enamel and Works of Art, Remaining after Bequests to Museums; The Property of the late Mrs. Walter Sedgwick (Sold by Order of the Executors)》;倫敦蘇富比,1968年7月2日,拍品編號116
香港藝術館,《博古存珍 • 敏求精舍金禧紀念展》,2010年9月25日 - 2011年1月2日,編號119
香港藝術館,《聚道傳承 —— 敏求精舍六十周年》,2020年12月18日 - 2021年4月28日,編號69
香港藝術館,《博古存珍 • 敏求精舍金禧紀念展》,2010年9月25日 - 2011年1月2日
香港藝術館,「聚道傳承 —— 敏求精舍六十周年」,2020年12月18日 - 2021年4月28日
另外,可資比較的例子亦見上海博物館藏白釉印雲龍紋盤②、台北故宮博物院藏紅釉印雲龍紋小盌、美國納爾遜 - 阿特金斯藝術博物館藏外醬釉裏霽青釉印雲龍紋高足盌、大英博物館藏外醬釉裏霽青釉印雲龍紋高足盌及外醬釉裏霽青釉印雲龍紋小盤等。
Bowl with Moulded Dragon amidst Clouds Design under White Glaze
Hongwu Period (1368-1398)
Ming Dynasty
Height 10 cm
Mouth Diameter 20.2 cm
Benjamin W. Yim collection
1.《The Important Collection of Chinese Ceramics, Lacquer, Cloisonne Enamel and Works of Art, Remaining after Bequests to Museums; The Property of the late Mrs. Walter Sedgwick (Sold by Order of the Executors)》;倫敦蘇富比,1968年7月2日,拍品編號116

2. 香港藝術館,《博古存珍 • 敏求精舍金禧紀念展》,2010年9月25日 - 2011年1月2日,編號119

3. 香港藝術館,《聚道傳承 —— 敏求精舍六十周年》,2020年12月18日 - 2021年4月28日,編號69

① 大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館《元の染付展 • 14世紀の景徳鎮窯》,1985,編號51、53

② 上海博物館《上海博物館藏品研究大系 • 明代官窑瓷器》,2007,編號1-3

Bowl with Moulded Dragon amidst Clouds Design under White Glaze
Hongwu Period (1368-1398)
Ming Dynasty
Height 10 cm
Mouth Diameter 20.2 cm
Benjamin W. Yim collection

This bowl has a flared rim and round body, supported by a foot ring at the base. A pair olfive-clawed dragons were impressed in the inner surface, with the centre decorated with ascrolling ruyi cloud while the exterior is incised with lotus-petal scrolls on the lower section.
The entire body has a lustrous transparent glaze with a tinge of blue, which differs from theopaque white of the shufu ware from the Yuan dynasty and the tianbai porcelain from theYongle period, Thus, this ware is believed to be a product of the transitional period between the Yuan dynasty and Yongle reign.
During the Yuan dynasty, the five-clawed dragon was asymbol permitted only to the emperor and members of the imperial family, a practice that continued in to the Ming dynasty. According to Ming Shilu (Veritable Records of The Ming) in the second year of his reign (1369), the Hongwu Emperor ordered that “all ritual wares must be made of porcelain".
Judging by the shape, this bowl was possibly used as a ritual vessel, Hongwu glazed ware was usually applied with monochrome or dual-colour glazes. The primary monochromes were white, red, sacrificial blue, brown and yellow, while the dual colours included combinations such as exterior brown interior sacrificial blue, exterior white interior brown, and exterior sacrificial blue interior red. Hence, this white-glazed bowl is the sole surviving piece of its kind.