Oda Nobunaga and the Incident at Honnoji
Historical Background
In the tenth year of the Tensho era (1582), Oda Nobunaga had nearly taken control of the entire Kinki region, centering around Kyoto. With Azuchi Castle as his stronghold, he commanded vassals such as Shibata Katsuie, Niwa Nagahide, Hashiba Hideyoshi, Akechi Mitsuhide, and Takigawa Kazumasu. His goal of ending the Warring States period and unifying Japan was within reach.
Just as Nobunaga was on the verge of achieving undisputed control over Japan, one of the most baffling events in Japanese history took place. On the second day of the sixth month of the same year, Nobunaga's most trusted retainer, Akechi Mitsuhide, suddenly rebelled on his way to support Hideyoshi in Shikoku. Changing his course, Mitsuhide surrounded Honnoji in Kyoto, where Nobunaga ultimately perished in flames.
▲ 織田信長 画像,天童市立旧東村山郡役所資料館提供,三宝寺 藏
▲ 天正十年(1582年)六月二日凌晨,本能寺燃起熊熊烈火,「東山御物」等、茶之湯名物數十種在大火中燒失,最為著名的是信長的「曜變天目」以及「九十九髮茄子」,而其中「九十九髮茄子」更是在廢墟中被撿出送給秀吉,然後又在大阪夏之陣中燒毀,德川家康命藤重父子修復,現由靜嘉堂文庫美術館收藏。
In the early hours of June 2nd, Tensho 10 (1582), flames engulfed Honnoji Temple. Numerous renowned tea ceremony artifacts, including the "Higashiyama Gomotsu" and other tea utensils, were lost to the fire. Among the most famous items burned were Nobunaga’s "Yohen Tenmoku" tea bowl and the "Tsukumo Nasu" tea caddy. The latter was retrieved from the ruins and later given to Hideyoshi, only to be destroyed again during the Summer Siege of Osaka. Tokugawa Ieyasu ordered the Fuji Shige father and son to restore it, and today, it is preserved at the Seikado Bunko Art Museum.
Nobunaga, planning to hold a tea gathering at Honnoji, had brought a large number of tea utensils from Azuchi Castle. The fire at Honnoji led directly to the destruction of many "Higashiyama Gomotsu" and other famed tea artifacts, perishing alongside Nobunaga. The "Tsukumo Nasu" was recovered from the ruins, but the whereabouts of the Yohen Tenmoku tea bowl, a treasured item passed down from the Ashikaga shogunate and documented in the "Kundaikan Sochoki," remains shrouded in mystery.
▲ 織田信長 像
據說 付藻(つくも)是根據『伊勢物語』中的一首和歌而得名的:「百とせに一とせ足らぬ九十九髪我を戀ふらし面影に見ゆ」。 也有寫成 「九十九髪」「作物」的。 這個茶入是足利義満傳來,是被解除了大和所有土地的軍閥松永久秀贈送給信長的。 它在大阪夏之陣中被損壞,後由德川家康下令藤重藤元・藤巖父子從大阪城廢墟中撈上來,並用漆進行了修復。 經 X 光檢查發現,表面覆蓋物幾乎全部用漆修復。
It is said that the tea caddy Tsukumo (付藻) was named after a waka poem from the Ise Monogatari: "At ninety-nine years, one short of a hundred, my graying hair seems to yearn for me as its image appears." The caddy is also written as "九十九髪" (Tsukumo Kami, meaning "ninety-nine hairs") or as "付藻" (Tsukumo). This tea caddy was passed down from Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and was presented to Nobunaga by Matsunaga Hisahide, the warlord who was stripped of all his land in Yamato.
During the Summer Siege of Osaka, the Tsukumo was damaged, but Tokugawa Ieyasu ordered Fuji Shige (father and son) to retrieve it from the ruins of Osaka Castle and restore it with lacquer. An X-ray examination revealed that the entire covering was almost entirely restored using lacquer.
Among the artifacts consumed by the flames at Honnoji was the famous Kuzuhara Eggplant tea caddy, also known as Tsukumo Eggplant or Matsunaga Eggplant. This caddy originated from the collection of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate, and was passed down through the Ashikaga family to the eighth shogun, Ashikaga Yoshimasa. In 1558, Matsunaga Hisahide acquired it—some say by paying a thousand kan, while others claim it was seized by force.
On September 26, 1568, Oda Nobunaga accompanied Ashikaga Yoshiaki to Kyoto. It is said that Matsunaga Hisahide, who had previously betrayed Nobunaga at the Battle of Akutagawa, offered the Kuzuhara Eggplant tea caddy and the famous sword Yoshimitsu to Nobunaga on October 2 as a gesture of submission and to spare his life. The Yohen Tenmokutea bowl, recorded in the Ashikaga shogunate's Kundaikan Sochoki, may have been similarly presented to Nobunaga and came into his possession before the Honnoji fire.
The Tsukumo Nasu tea caddy, having survived two devastating fires and undergone restoration by both Hideyoshi and Ieyasu, reflects the supreme value that tea ceremony items and imported goods held in the eyes of shoguns and nobility. It also serves as a vital surviving artifact and a tangible link to the famed tea objects affected by the Incident at Honnoji.
▲ 「九十九髮茄子」,名字來源於「百とせに一とせ足らぬ九十九髪吾を戀ふらし面影に見ゆ」,白,用百缺一來形容,就是九十九發;亦有認為是村田珠光曾經以九十九貫購買而得名 / 傳承:足利義滿 - 足利義政(東山御物) - 山名豐時 - 伊佐宗雲 - 朝倉教影金吾宗滴(五百貫)- 越前小袖屋山本久成 - 京袋屋(寄存)-松永久秀(永祿元年:一千貫 / 或 巧取豪奪)- 織田信長(永祿十一年,1568年獲贈,1582本能寺之變罹炎)- 豐臣秀吉(大阪城罹炎)-德川家康(元和元年)-藤重藤元(修復)-岩崎家(明治九年)- 靜嘉堂文庫美術館
If the Tsukumo Nasu tea caddy managed to survive the Honnoji fire with several fragments largely intact, it suggests that a thorough search was conducted for artifacts after the fire, likely in a controlled and orderly manner.
Given that the Tsukumo Nasuendured two major fires, it’s reasonable to assume that the damage it suffered during the Honnoji incident was less severe than its current state. This implies that the fire at Honnoji was not intense enough to reduce objects to ashes like a furnace would.