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宋代筆記 vol.54 金繕宋代鈞窯泡泡碗 75萬港幣再現香江收藏 - Song Notes: Kintsugi Jun Bubble Bowl reappears in Hong Kong.



本文介紹的泡泡碗,國外稱「bubble bowl」便是鈞窯器物中的佼佼者。這類器物,曾經創造出將近3000萬港元的高價,如今一個好質量的泡泡碗,哪怕是『金繕』過,也依然瑕不掩瑜。這種寧可玉碎,不要瓦全的精神,可以說是藏家對自我提升,精神訴求的一種決絕。

左:本品 - 750,000 HKD 蘇富比2017年 人間異珍︰奇•趣 / 拍品 3055; 右:北宋 鈞窯紫斑盌 紐約蘇富比 2020年7月24日 成交價 USD 187,500


值得注意的是,蘇富比亞洲區主席Nicolas Chow仇國仕似乎正是這件器物的藏家。在其近期發布的社交媒體上,這件器物被擺放在斑駁的桌面上,頗有侘寂的意味。

金 鈞窰天藍釉紫斑盌

估價 600,000 - 800,000 HKD

已售出 750,000 HKD

蘇富比2017年 人間異珍︰奇•趣 / 拍品 3055

with steep rounded sides rising from to a short neat knife-cut foot to a gently incurved rim, applied overall save for the foot with a lustrous pale milky-blue glaze draining to a mushroom tone at the rim and pooling short of the foot, the exterior and interior liberally decorated with vibrant lavender-blue splashes, later applied with Japanese kintsugi restoration



Sadao Ogawa,東京




Hirano Kotoken, Tokyo.

Sadao Ogawa, Tokyo.

Sotheby's New York, 15th September 2010, lot 308.

Eskenazi Ltd, London.




This charming bubble bowl is well potted with a pleasant shape and attractive glaze. As visible in the catalogue illustration, the bowl has Japanese gold lacquer restoration, which appear to originate from a semi-circular break on the rim approximately 1 1/4 inch wide and includes two restored cracks, one running across the foot and the other along one side. The glaze with fine surface wear.


「鈞瓷無雙」,鈞瓷之名貴在於「入窰一色出窰萬彩」之獨特窰變釉色,非人工能描繪。此器釉色瑩潤,月白地如高山雲霧,內外紫斑如點點紅霞,難怪古人以「 雨過天晴泛紅霞,夕陽紫翠忽成嵐」形容鈞瓷之特色。

此器與 David Home 所藏一例甚為相似,曾展於東方陶瓷學會,見《Sung Dynasty Wares, Chun and Brown Glazes》,倫敦,1952年,編號157,後售於香港蘇富比1987年11月24日,編號 5。仇焱之舊藏兩件釉色同樣豐富,售於倫敦蘇富比1980年12月16日,編號264及265,其後為徐展堂所藏,售於倫敦蘇富比2000年6月7日,編號93。Eumorfopoulos 藏相似例,載於 R.L. Hobson,《The Catalogue of the George Eumorfopoulos Collection of Chinese, Corean and Persian Pottery and Porcelain》,卷2,圖版A31及 A32。一例原為 Schoenlicht 舊藏,後入松岡收藏,錄於《松岡美術館收藏中國陶磁名品展》,東京,1983年,編號36,售倫敦蘇富比1955年12月13日,編號76,其後再轉 H.M. Knight 收藏,售於香港蘇富比1982年5月18日,編號109。

柯玫瑰於書中記,鈞瓷紫斑器,取銅料,着筆幾抹入窰,火去時,青紫交融,現斑斕,五光十色,每窰絕無同者,見《Song Dynasty Ceramics》,倫敦,2004年,頁34。

Among the genre of Song dynasty ceramics, Junyao bubble bowls are perhaps the most tactile and personal of items, as the small rounded sides and unctuous glaze allow the bowls to conform perfectly to the hands.

It is rare to find a Junyao bubble bowl with this striking combination of intense and rich splashes on the interior and the unusual arrangement of smaller splashes on the exterior, reminiscent of the bowl from the collection of Sir David Home, Bt., exhibited at the Oriental Ceramics Society exhibition of Sung Dynasty Wares, Chun and Brown Glazes, London, 1952, cat. no. 157 and sold in these rooms, 24th November 1987, lot 5. For intensity of colouration, compare the two extraordinary bowls from the Edward T. Chow Collection sold in our London rooms, 16th December 1980, lots 264 and 265, and again in these rooms, the former on 19th May 1987, lot 209, and later in the T.T. Tsui Collection, the latter on 7th June 2000, lot 93. Similar bowls are in the Eumorfopoulos Collection, illustrated in R.L. Hobson, The Catalogue of the George Eumorfopoulos Collection of Chinese, Corean and Persian Pottery and Porcelain, vol. 2, pls A31 and A32; and in the Matsuoka Collection, included in Matsuoka Bijutsukan shūzō Chūgoku tōji meihin ten[Masterpieces of Chinese ceramics from the Matsuoka Museum of Art], Tokyo, 1983, pl. 36, formerly in the Schoenlicht Collection, sold in our London rooms, 13th December 1955, lot 76, and in the H.M. Knight Collection, and sold again in these rooms, 18th May 1982, lot 109.

According to Rose Kerr, Song Dynasty Ceramics, London, 2004, p. 34, the splashes found on Jun wares are made with the application of copper brushwork to dry glazes in broad strokes or washes, which then merged with the bluish Junyao glazes at full heat. This copper painting provided a striking contrast to the thick bright blue glaze beneath giving each vessel decorated in this manner its unique design.


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