高 19.4 cm (7 5/8 in.)
來源:由 Enid A. Haupt 於1993年捐贈,為紀念 Philippe de Montebello


FAQ 青銅馭手
Q1: 這件東周青銅馭手像是怎樣的作品?
Q1: What kind of work is the Eastern Zhou Figure of a Charioteer?
A1: 這件青銅雕塑展現了春秋戰國時期的東周青銅工藝,尤其是描繪了一名騎手的形象,並且可能代表了當時遊牧民族的風貌。它反映了東周與北方民族的文化交流。
A1: This bronze sculpture depicts a charioteer from the Eastern Zhou period, showcasing the equestrian culture of the time. It may also represent the nomadic peoples of the northern frontier, reflecting cultural exchanges between the Eastern Zhou and these groups.
Q2: 青銅馭手像有哪些技術特徵?
Q2: What are the technical features of the Bronze Figure of a Charioteer?
A2: 這件青銅像展示了錯金銀和鑲嵌技術,這些技術使得青銅器在視覺效果和藝術價值上都有所提升。它也顯示了東周時期范鑄法的高超技術,這是一種精細的鑄造方法,使得青銅器更加精確細緻。
A2: The figure features intricate techniques like gilding and inlaying, which enhance both its visual appeal and artistic value. It also reflects the advanced casting method known as the "Fan Casting" technique from the Eastern Zhou period, which allowed for more precise and detailed bronze works.
Q3: 這件青銅馭手像的文化背景是什麼?
Q3: What is the cultural background of the Bronze Figure of a Charioteer?
A3: 該雕像展示了春秋戰國時期東周與北方遊牧民族的接觸。它可能代表了東周騎馬文化的影響,並且顯示了遊牧民族的服飾和戰爭文化。
A3: The sculpture represents the interaction between the Eastern Zhou period and the nomadic peoples of the northern frontier. It likely reflects the influence of equestrian culture from these groups and depicts aspects of their attire and warfare culture.
Q4: 春秋戰國時期的青銅技術有何發展?Q4: How did bronze technology develop during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods?
A4: 在春秋戰國時期,青銅技術達到了高度的發展,尤其是錯金銀和鑲嵌技術。這些技術不僅提高了青銅器的視覺效果,也增強了其耐用性。侯馬地區的范鑄法被認為是當時最先進的鑄造技術之一,對中國青銅器的演變有著深遠的影響。
A4: Bronze technology reached great heights during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, particularly with gilding and inlaying techniques. These innovations not only enhanced the visual appeal of bronzes but also improved their durability. The Fan Casting technique from the Houma region was one of the most advanced methods of casting at the time, significantly influencing the evolution of Chinese bronze works.
Figure of a charioteer
This Eastern Zhou Figure of a Charioteer not only showcases the artistic achievements of the Eastern Zhou period but also offers profound insights into the society, culture, and technology of the time. The gilding and inlaying techniques during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods reached their peak, laying the foundation for future bronze artistry. The Fan Casting technique from the Houma region, as an advanced casting method, had a profound influence on the bronze works of this period. These technological advancements not only enhanced the artistry of bronzes but also improved their functionality, precision, and durability.
This figure is among the earliest Chinese representations of nomadic peoples on the northern frontier. Its identity is indicated by the short sword and belted jacket, a costume designed for an equestrian culture. The figure may have belonged to a larger assemblage. Judging from his posture and the position of his arms, it could have been a foot on the corner of a vessel or a lamp stand.
Title: Figure of a charioteer
Period: Eastern Zhou dynasty (770–256 BCE)
Date: 4th–3rd century BCE
Culture: China
Medium: Bronze
Dimensions: H. 7 5/8 in. (19.4 cm)
Classification: Sculpture
Credit Line: Gift of Enid A. Haupt, in honor of Philippe de Montebello, 1993
Object Number: 1993.387.15
Enid A. Haupt , New York (until 1993; donated to MMA)
New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Arts of Ancient China," 2005.