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北朝筆記 vol.17 六朝金蛙:中國古代的蛙崇拜,克里夫蘭博物館所藏 - Six Dynasties Toad from the Cleveland Museum of Art Collection.



Frogs were once a very popular decorative pattern in the Ancient Period. From Yangshao to Bianpo to Majiayao, frog decorative patterns became more and more vivid and flexible.

The earliest known frog-shaped jade artefacts appeared in the Liangzhu culture of the Neolithic period, and frog-shaped jade artefacts were unearthed in the Qijia culture of the late Neolithic period, the Huhao Tomb of the late Shang dynasty, and the Tomb of the King of Zhongshan at Sanjie in Pingshan, Hebei province, during the Warring States period.




Unearthed from the tomb of Wang Chu in Zhongshan, now in the Hebei Museum. Seventeen pieces were excavated. The head of the small animal is relatively flat, with a wide nose and long, narrow eyes, which are connected horizontally and horizontally by the eyebrows. The body resembles that of a frog, but with a tail that curves upwards to fit snugly around the hips. There are two types of beasts according to their shape: eight of one type, with a cleaner jade colour and finer carving, and an upright body with a slightly longer head and neck, and with all four limbs resting on the ground. The other, of which there are nine, is of mixed black and white colour and is fatter, with a drooping belly that is level with the feet. The small animal is crouching with its head held high in a naive and animated manner. It is 1.9-2.1 centimetres long, 1.3-1.6 centimetres wide, and 1.1-1.2 centimetres high.

This set of jade carvings unearthed from the tomb of Wang Chu in Zhongshan is meticulously carved, please note the size, this is a set of fine micro-carved jade wares, one of the representative wares of micro-carved jade wares of the Warring States period, which reflects the exquisite handcraftsmanship of the Zhongshan state in the Warring States period.

中山王墓 墨玉蛙


故宮博物院 馬家窯蛙紋罐



彩陶蛙紋壺,新石器時代馬家窯文化馬廠類型,高42釐米,口徑13.1釐米。  壺泥質紅陶,口外侈,薄唇,球形腹,小平底,腹部兩側對稱置雙系。於橙紅色陶衣上以黑彩描繪變形蛙紋。圖案線條流暢,富於變化,與造型協調一致。據科學測試,馬家窯文化馬廠類型彩陶的年代約為公元前2200~前2000年。  







長7.3釐米、寬5.4釐米、厚0.6釐米 此器為片雕,左右對稱。蛙伏臥,前肢外伸,後肢內屈。寬頭、方目、肥身、短尾。背部以雙線刻對稱雲紋,雙目間有一圓孔,可系佩。






A malachite frog, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國 孔雀石蛙

Cissy and Robert Tang Collection




Some scholars believe that frog worship originated from the content of ancient Qiang Rong culture, and during the late Shang Dynasty, through the continuous integration of these ancient Qiang people (Jiang) and Zhou people (Ji), frog worship also entered the culture of the Zhou people.

Some archaeological materials have proved that the worship of frogs existed across regions in the ancient times, and up to now, in the totem myths and legends of some ethnic minorities, you can still find traces of frog totem worship. In the Brown Mountain area of Xishuangbanna, there is a legend about a toad helping the weak to defeat the strong.

The Zhuang people still have a frog festival, in which frogs are worshipped every day in the first half of the first month of the year, frog songs are sung, frog dances are performed, and frogs are specially buried when they die. The Browns believe that their ancestors were half human and half frog.


386–534 CE

China, Six Dynasties period (317-581), Northern Wei dynasty


gilt bronze

Overall: 5 cm (1 15/16 in.)

Gift of Herbert F. Leisy in memory of his wife, Helen Stamp Leisy 1977.208


In China, access to political power was granted to those who passed the civil service examinations, a system that offered official service only at a high level of education. Chinese literati-officials whose daily routine was administrative work in an office, enjoyed precious objects on their writing desks that offered distraction and demonstrated good taste. By the Ming (1368–1644) and Qing (1644–1911) dynasties, these utensils of the literati studio became also collectibles and were treasured as artworks.

Desk objects included paper weights, like this bronze frog, seals, seal paste boxes, brush rests, wrist rests, brush holders, water droppers, ink cakes, miniature mountains, and albums, all ranging in material from jade, gilt bronze, lacquer, and wood to porcelain.


(Howard Hollis [1899–1985], Cleveland, OH, to Herbert F. Leisy)


Herbert F. Leisy [1900–1977], Cleveland Heights, OH, gift to the Cleveland Museum of Art


The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH

Exhibition History

China through the Magnifying Glass: Masterpieces in Miniature and Detail. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (December 11, 2022-February 26, 2023).


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