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北朝筆記 vol.8 北齊貼團花帶蓋綠釉文壺探究,對比常盤山文庫:松心閣「蓮心千古」南北朝特別展覽 - A Northern Qi Cover Jar from the Northern & Southern Dynasties Exhibition, in Comparison with Tokiwayama Bunko.

northern qi green jar




不同時期主要的不同在於1. 釉色; 2. 貼塑的造型、數量、排列方式; 3. 胎土的顏色(白,或是偏紅); 製作工藝,如是否系切(線割)的方式等等。


Comment: A rare survivor, its mysterious funtionality is worth exploring (other surviving pieces have gold dust and gold leaf attached to the interior), the only jar with a cover.

This is a huge piece, 42cm in height with lid, and is an indispensable piece in any Northern or Southern dynasty collection. The present work is of the same type as that in the Tokiwayama Bunko collection, but when placed in the context of the only ten surviving works of this type in the world, it can be surmised that the upper dating limit of this type of work would be the Northern Dynasties, and the lower limit would be the Tang dynasty (given that two of the works are from late Tang excavation records).

The main differences between the different periods are: 1) the colour of the glaze, earlier pieces are more pale and bright; 2) the shape, number, and arrangement of the stickers; 3) the colour of the clay (white being earlier, or reddish sui or later); and the workmanship, such as whether or not it was cut (wire-cut) using the peddle coil method.

nezu museum collection.

Taken together, this work is probably earlier than the Sui dynasty, which is earlier than the Tokiwayama Bunko, and probably dates from the Northern Qi Dynasties. In terms of form, it is closer to the Nezu Museum's collection, which is dated to the Norhtern Qi dynasty. (




本文是对SACA學會2022年发表的《北齐之光:璀璨时代的陶瓷之美 - Northern Qi, the Diversity and Subtlety of Arts》的更新,更新內容:大都會博物館、塞努奇博物館、私人藏品的對比內容。


There are currently ten of these bottles in the world, nine in green glaze and one without glaze, with an upper date range of the Northern Qi dynasty and a lower date range of the Tang dynasty. There are only two that favour the Northern Qi, four from the Northern Qi to Sui, one from the Sui dynasty, and three from the Tang. All but two are from Hebei, and the others are from all over the world: the Tokiwayama Bunko Japan, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Freer Gallery (two), and the Nezu Museum of Art, and one in Private Collection.

The Tokiwayama Bunko has written a detailed discussion of the ceramics of the Northern Qi, and this article discusses the aesthetics and craftsmanship of Northern Qi ceramics in the context of this theme.

This article is an update of the SACA's 2022 publication, ‘Northern Qi, the Diversity and Subtlety of Arts,’ with comparisons between the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Senucci Museum, and private collections.

This period gave rise to a highly compatible culture and a magnificent, eclectic civilisation of the Sui and Tang dynasties; it linked the Western regions, the steppes, and the Central Plains together, thus redrawing the map of Northern China; it was a period when the relationship between the nomadic tribes and the Han Chinese in the Central Plains was comprehensively restructured through wars and reforms, and ‘culture’ transcended race to form a distinctive civilisational feature of Ancient China. It also enabled ‘culture’ to transcend race, forming a distinctive feature of civilisation in Ancient China. It can be said that without the Sixteen Kingdoms and Northern Dynasties, there would not have been the unprecedentedly powerful Sui and Tang dynasties, not to mention the vitality of Chinese culture.

一、綠釉貼團花文壺 隋 常盤山文庫 藏 / Tokiwayama Bunko Collection, Minamiaoyama, Tokyo Japan.

二、綠釉貼團花文壺 北齊 根津美術館 藏 / Nezu Museum Collection, Tokyo, Japan.

三、綠釉貼團花文壺 北齊  私人 藏 / Private Collection.

四、綠釉貼團花文壺 北齊 - 隋 弗利爾博物館 藏 / Freer Gallery, DC.

五、綠釉貼團花文壺 北齊 - 隋 弗利爾博物館 藏 / Freer Gallery DC.

六、綠釉貼團花文壺 北齊 - 隋 大都會博物館 藏 / The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY.

七、綠釉貼團花文壺 北齊 - 隋 賽努奇博物館 藏 / Cernuschi Museum of Art, Paris.

八、绿釉貼團花文壺 唐代 河北蔚县 出 / Weixian Tang Tomb, Hebei

九、素胎貼團花文壺 唐代 河北易县 出 / Yixian Tang Tomb 864AD., Hebei

十、绿釉貼團花文壺 唐代 繭山龍泉堂 展覽 / Mayuyama Ryusendo, Tokyo.


Jar with Applied Design Covered with Copper-Green Lead Glaze

Sui dynasty 隋

H. 39.8 cm, MD. 12.0-16.7 cm, BD. 18.5 cm, Wt 7,900g

This large jar with green lead glaze has thick, prominently applied decorations which make the jar appear massive. Traces of paddling are apparent on the lower part of the body and the string cut mark appears on the foot, indicating that this jar was built in the coil and paddle method, with finishing on the potter’s wheel. The unglazed base shows a rather reddish body clay (pl.7b). The mouth rim area has a broad and slightly protruding band.


The applied decorations seem to be part of a carefully planned arrangement, given the incised lines that circle the body from upper to lower sections, thus marking the position for each applied decorations. The shoulder of the jar is decorated with an alternating application of three thick, flower-like motifs (fig.19 p.55) and three beast faces (fig.26 p.58). The flower-like motifs are composed of eight rounds are surrounded by small beaded dots and are much more massive than any of the other applied decorations on this jar. The beast face motifs seem flat in comparison to these massive flower-like motifs. The second band of decoration is made up of cross motifs composed of five rounds surrounded by beads (pl.7) and flower motifs consisting of six slender petals (fig.20 p.55). The latter motif cannot be found on any of the comparative materials mentioned later in this article. Jewel-like applied decorations and lugs are interspersed among these motifs.


与这些巨大的花形图案相比,兽面图案显得很平淡。第二条装饰带是由五个圆形珠子组成的十字架图案(pl.7)和由六片细长花瓣组成的花朵图案(fig.20 p.55)组成。后一种图案在本文后面提到的任何对比材料上都没有发现。在这些图案中还穿插有宝石状的贴花装饰及系耳。

Some reddish extraneous material appears on the green glaze at the grooves of these applied decorations. This might be pigment or glue. Chemical analysis indicates that it might be some form of plant sap, but the minute size of the sample precludes specification. A similar reddish extraneous material was found in the hollows on the top of rounds that make up the flower-like motifs. It is not certain whether this material was original to the work, or whether it was some later addition. We might imagine that this material was used to attach jewels, precious stones or gold to the jar at some point during the intervening centuries since its creation. It is interesting to note that a tiny section of gold leaf was found in the jar (pl.7a), though it is not certain whether it is related to the reddish extraneous material.




Until two recent finds in Hebei, it had been many years since examples like the Tokiwayama jar with its elaborate applied decoration had been excavated. First, in 1988, an unglazed jar with motifs like those found on the Tokiwayama work was reported at a tomb dated to 864 in the late Tang dynasty (fig.22 p.56). The jar has a long flaring neck similar to the vessel shape of a jar in the Freer Gallery (pl.13b) discussed below. The jar has flower-like motifs composed of seven rounds surrounded by beads, a decorative form also seen on the Freer jar and a jar in Boston (pl.13e), but different from the Tokiwayama. Though judging only from the photograph and figure in the excavation report (Wenwu, 1988-4), the motifs on the 864 jar seem to be absolutely flat as compared to the thick and massive motifs of the Tokiwayama jar.




Another example was excavated in 1993 from an undated late Tang dynasty tomb (fig.23 p.56). The shape is the same as the 864 jar from Hebei and the Freer jar. This jar is reported to be green glazed (Kaogu 1993-8), while the 864 jar is unglazed. The applied motifs are arranged in no particular pattern or symmetry. These applied decorations are as flat as those on the 864 jar from Hebei.


Given these excavated materials, scholars have begun to advocate a possible Tang date for the wares with these shared design methods and motifs. And yet, even though I have only seen photographs and report sketches for these excavated works, it seems that these late Tang examples differ from the Tokiwayama jar. The Tokiwayama jar is characterized by massive applied decorations such as the flower-like motifs on the shoulder (fig.19 p.55), while the decorations on the excavated examples are flat. The three-dimensional quality of the Tokiwayama jar decoration is reminiscent of the massive showy decorative style of lead glazed wares from Shanxi province in the Northern Qi dynasty, while the flatness of the excavated examples is akin to the flatness of the mould-applied decoration found on Tang Sancai. Similarly the excavated examples lack of sense of volume in their shape and the tautness found in the Tokiwayama jar’s proportions.

In addition to the excavated materials discussed above, there are several examples which share motifs with the Tokiwayama jar. These examples include a jar in the Nezu Museum in Tokyo (pl.13a), two jars in the Freer Gallery of Art in Washington (pls.14bc), a jar in the Musée Cernuschi in Paris (pl.13d) and a jar in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (pl.13e). All of these works are green glazed jars with some common decorative motifs. Their shapes, however, differ, and each has its own distinctive mood and atmosphere. Some are tautly formed, others lack this sense of tension. With the exception of the Nezu jar, I have not yet an opportunity to closely examine these examples, and thus simply work from my observation of their photographs and information provided by their respective museums.





Among these other examples, the Nezu jar (pl.13a) seems to be the closest to the Tokiwayama jar, and yet, the whole impression of the Nezu jar’s body is quite different from that of the massive Tokiwayama jar. The Nezu jar does not present such a solid appearance as that of the Tokieayama jar. The Nezu jar also lacks the incised circling lines marking the position of applied decorations on the body, as found on the Tokiwayama jar. Two kinds of flower-like motifs appear on the Nezu jar. The motif type found on the lower part of the body is massive in form and composed of eight rounds surrounded by beads. The motif type found on the upper part of the body are composed of seven rounds each surrounded by beaded dots and these motifs are flatter than those on the lower part of the jar. The former motif is the same as that on the Tokiwayama jar (fig.19 p.55) and the latter is unique among these cited examples. The Nezu jar’s base bears the cutting string mark (fig.24 p.57). The clay is less reddish than that of the Tokiwayama jar. Tiny traces of gold powder were found inside the Nezu jar, though it is not known whether this is linked to the gold found in the Tokiwayama jar. It is fascinating to note, however, that traces of gold — powder in the case of the Nezu jar and leaf in the case of the Tokiwayama jar — were found on these jars.



前者与常盘山壶(图19第55页)上的图案相同,后者是这些例子中独一无二的。根津壶的底部有割泥线的印记(图24 p.57)。


The jar in the Freer Gallery of Art, which entered the gallery collection in 1930, has a long flaring  neck, while the Tokiwayama and Nezu jars have broad bands on their rim and no neck. This long, flaring neck shape is also found on the two excavated examples from Hebei province. According to the photograph supplied by the Freer, there is no string cut mark on the base of the Freer jar (fig.25 p.57). The Freer jar shares the use of a jewel-like motif and lugs with that of the Tokiwaya. The flower-like flat motif composed of seven rounds is also found on another Freer jar, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston jar and the excavated examples from Hebei. The beast face motif (fig.27 p.58) is quite different from the found on the Tokiwayama jar (fig.26 p.58), as it has a ring in its mouth and is surrounded by beaded dots.



Another jar in the Freer Gallery of Art (pl.13c) has the oldest provenance among these examples, namely it was part of the Charles Lang Freer bequest in 1906. The jar is simply decorated with its sole motif decoration flower-like flat motifs on an incised line circling the shoulder. The shape of the mouth also differs from the others mentioned above. According to information provided by the Freer Gallery of Art, the base has a string cut mark.



弗利尔博物馆 藏

The jar in the Musée Cernuschi (pl13d) is also simply decorated. The only motif on this jar is the cross-shaped motif also found on the Tokiwayama jar, which is composed of five rounds surrounded by beads. This motif is only found on Tokiwayama jar. 


塞努奇博物馆 藏

The Boston jar (pl.13e) does not have as finished an impression as the other jars. Though each of the applied motifs can also be found on the other examples mentioned above, their arrangement is somewhat rougher in handling. While the motifs are applied to the other jars with some consideration of arrangement, the Boston jar is decorated with various motifs in no particular order. This type of unordered design can also be found on the examples from the late Tang tombs in Hebei province (fig.23 p.56). Flower-like motifs composed of seven rounds surrounded by beaded dots found on the Boston jar are also seen on the other examples, except those at the Nezu and Tokiwayama. The Boston jar displays the jewel-like motifs also found on the Nezu and Tokiwayama jars.



The several examples with motifs like those found on the Tokiwayama jar all lack uniformity in their handling, clay and vessel shape. Given such differences, it does not seem possible to date all of these examples to the Tang dynasty simply on the basis of the fact that these motifs are the same as those found on works excavated from Tang tombs. Rather, the excavated examples from the late Tang dynasty seem to be the last stage of this type of jar and it seems better to allow a certain latitude in the matter of dating of the other examples mentioned above.


In terms of the dating of the Tokiwayama Jar, its orderly arrangement of applied motifs and the systematic usage of incised lines to govern that motif distribution, seem to indicate the methodical production of an early design stage. Further, the jar has two types of applied decoration, namely, the thick and massive type of decoration found in the flower-like motifs composed of eight rounds (fig.19 p.55) and cross shaped motifs whose voluminous impression is similar to the decoration of vases from the tomb of Lou Rui 娄叡 (pl.9d), and the flat type as seen in the jewel-like motifs, beast face motifs (fig.26 p.58) and flower shaped motifs with six petals (fig.20 p.55), whose flatness is similar to the decoration of the jars reported from the late Tang dynasty tombs. A logical design progression would seem to suppose first a design with two types of decoration later simplifying into a design with just flat decoration, but current materials do not allow confirmation of this hypothesis.


Given a comparison with the examples listed above, the Sui dynasty might be considered a more concrete date for the Tokiwayama jar. I propose a Sui dynasty date based on the following points. The Tokiwayama jar recalls the massive applied decoration found on lead glazed wares produced in Shanxi province during the Northern Qi dynasty, those large-scale Northern Qi dynasty wares are not deliberately green-glazed wares, but rather were wares with transparent lead glaze with a green or yellow tinge. Similarly, the Norhtern Qi dynasty wares display a very white clay, quite unlike the reddish clay. The green glaze found on small works from the Northern Qi dynasty is light and bright in tone, and thus differs from that on the Tokiwayama jar. Given these factors, it would be difficult to date the Tokiwayama jar to the Northern Qi dynasty. Further, according to the Compilation (p.128), the applied decoration was not yet popular in the Northern Wei dynasty and a survey of datable materials makes it difficult to date the jar to a pre-Northern Qi dynasty period. On the other hand, in spite of the presence of the examples from the late Tang tombs, the taut tension of the Tokiwayama jar makes it hard to date it to Tang Dynasty. I also believe that the voluminous impression of the jar’s applied decoration differs from that produced during the Tang Dynasty. Thus, through a comparison with known extant examples and given present understanding of wares from these periods, a Sui date seems appropriate for the Tokiwayama jar. Hopefully as excavations continue, further material will come to light in the future which will allow a confirmation of this proposed dating.









In Conclusion:

First, the upper limit of the end of the year for the category of green-glazed, appliquéd clerical jugs would have been in the Northern Qi dynasty, and the lower limit in the Tang dynasty.

Secondly, there are three earlier dated Wen pots without necks: Tokiwayma Bunko (Sui), Nezu Museum of Art (Northern Qi), and private collection (Northern Qi). With the exception of two from the Tang dynasty in Hebei, a more rigorous dating of the other pieces is likely to be from the Northern Qi to Sui.

Third, according to research by the Tokyiwayama Bunko, the reason why Tokiwayama Bunko did not date it to the Northern Qi is because the colour of the body clay is reddish, whereas that of the Northern Qi period is greyish-white.

Fourth, the texture and fluidity of the glaze colours are different between the early and late periods. The early ones are more light-coloured and bright.

In addition:

Given the comparison with the above examples, it is more likely that the Tokiwayama pots will be dated to the Sui dynasty. A Sui dynasty judgement is proposed on the basis of the following points. Tokiwayama pots are reminiscent of the extensive appliqué decoration present on lead-glazed wares produced in Shanxi province during the Northern Qi period, and those large Northern Qi period wares are not deliberately green-glazed, but rather transparent lead-glazed wares with a greenish or yellowish tint.

Similarly, Northern Qi wares reveal a very white clay, quite different from the reddish clay. The green glaze found on smaller wares from the Northern Qi period is of a lighter and brighter hue, and therefore different from that found on Changpanzan pots. In view of these factors, it is difficult to date Changpanshan pots to the Northern Qi period. In addition, according to the Compendium (p. 128), appliqué decoration was not yet in vogue during the Northern Wei period, and it is difficult to date the pot to a period prior to the Northern Qi period after investigating the datable material.




It is more likely that the private collection of covered pots is a product of the Northern Qi period. The white colour of the body and the method of lacing and cutting are consistent with earlier practice. The date is more in favour of the Northern Qi period. The base is similar to that of the Nezu Museum of Fine Arts, and the lacing, along with the three nail marks, is consistent with a foot made in the Northern Qi period.

The lid is the only surviving example, and the style of the lid and knob is different from that of the late Sui and Tang dynasties. In particular, the knob is not centred, but designed to be on one side, creating a very special visual impact. The design of the lid is worthy of further study.

Since gold dust has been found in Nezu's Jar, gold foil has been found in the Tokiwayama Bunko, and red remnants have been found on the outside of the Tokiwayama Bunko, identified as glue for fixing gold and silver jewellery, it is possible to speculate that the storage of these early pots was closely related to the functioning of gold and silver jewellery, and that they may have been artefacts closely related to Buddhism.




On the other hand, despite the existence of examples from late Tang tombs, the tension and aura of the Tokiwayama Jar and private collections makes it difficult to assign them to the Tang dynasty. The spikes on the foot are also not consistent with Tang dynasty practice. The impression of the pot's extensive and voluminous appliquéd decoration is different from that of the Tang dynasty.

Therefore, by comparing it with known extant examples and taking into account the current understanding of wares from these periods, it seems more appropriate to date the Tokiwayama Bunko to the Sui dynasty, whereas the Jar in the private collection would have been from the Northern Qi.

The Jar from the Mayuyama Ryusendo has a thin glaze and is similar in form and practice to pieces excavated in Yixian and Weixian counties in Hebei, and although labelled Sui-Tang, it should be dated to the Tang dynasty.


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