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保利筆記 Vol.4 傳世天目茶碗為什麼重要? - Heirloom Tenmoku Tea Bowl and Why It Is So Important.



In 1979, the Tokugawa Art Museum and the Nezu Art Museum held one of the most important exhibitions in half a century, in which the section of Tenmoku Tea Bowls was published as the book Tenmoku, which is now recognised by scholars and museums at home and abroad as the most authoritative book on ‘Tenmoku’.

This catalogue brings together public and private collections, including the private collections of the Urasenke, Omotenke, and Musashi Korozenke of the three sen families of the Sen no Rikyu tea school, daimyo families, temples, and in particular the grey quilted 'Haikatsugi' tenmoku of the Sangokuji.


這次的展覽的選品水平自然不在話下,而這個《天目》一書的出版重要性在於能輔助當今傳世天目面臨的三大問題:1. 如何確認是否真為傳世品 ; 2. 如何確認傳承來源真實(包括箱書、仕覆真偽);3.如何確認級別高低。

Each piece has a very detailed description of its lineage, and this catalogue serves as a link to the important publication of the Taisho Meisho Gazetteer in the early 20th century, corroborating each other and serving as an important source of information on the existence of the Tenmoku Tea Bowl lineage in Japan.

While the selection of items for this exhibition is of course of a high standard, the importance of the publication of this book ‘Tenmoku’ lies in its ability to assist in the three major problems faced by contemporary heirloom tenmoku: 1. how to confirm whether or not they are genuine heirlooms; 2. how to confirm the authenticity of the source of the heirloom (including the authenticity of the box book and the shifu); and 3. how to confirm the level of the grade.


近年來,藏家不斷的追尋傳世品,爾真正在日本傳世的建盞的量並不是無限量供應。這種新受關注的“傳世品 / Heirloom”品類,有幾個明顯的特點:

1. 通體有彩光,並且與短暫的用茶水浸泡製作出來的彩光有明顯不同;

2. 底足的露胎初,由於長期的使用、擦拭,有十分油潤自然的質感,與新出土的乾澀作品有明確區別;

3. 其銀扣的製作方式,與近期中國的製作方式不同

Regarding the first question, whether it is a genuine heirloom or not is a very crucial issue.

In recent years, collectors have been looking for heirlooms, but there is not an unlimited supply of genuine Japanese heirloom marigolds. This new interest in the ‘Heirloom’ category has several distinctive features. 1:

1. the coloured light on the whole body is distinctly different from that produced by a brief soaking in tea water;

2. the exposed part of the foot, due to long-term use and wiping, has a rather rich and natural texture, which is clearly different from that of the newly unearthed and dry pieces;

3. the manner in which the silver clasp was made is different from that of recent Chinese production.





As one of the most famous Tenmoku tea bowls ever published, and with the support of two of Japan's top museums, the Tokugawa Museum of Art and the Nezu Museum of Art, this is a very important piece of standardware for ‘recognising the heirloom Tenmoku’.

The standard is the foundation of all knowledge and the primary focus of antique identification. The underlying logic of collecting must be based on the foundation of ‘truth-seeking’. The standard setting is also based on this cornerstone and has been tested for over 50 years.

The fundamental core value of inheritance is not the defence of forgery, but the examination of current aesthetic standards, a humble scientific attitude. Aesthetics is not abstract; it is scientific in this context. The formation of any long-term consensus must be based on such underlying logic in order to be sustainable.

In other words, the importance of heritage lies in the test of time, and aiding authenticity is only an added value. Any act of denigrating the heritage is a complete overthrow of all the aesthetic accumulations of mankind in the past. True collectors should study how to become a part of the heritage, rather than building a castle in the air.


Lot 6374. 禾木兔毫天目盏

D 12.7 cm H 6.5 cm

RMB: 600,000 - 800,000








▲ 大德寺龍光院住持「小堀月浦」與「千宗屋」,在國寶茶室「密庵席」促膝長談。



There is no doubt that the grading standard of Jian kiln tea bowls of the Song people is slightly different from the current standards. After the change of time and space, and the withdrawal of the way of drinking tea, this retinal mode of appreciation, which exists in the imagination and floats on the surface, certainly cannot be imposed on the Song people.

Although the Song dynasty was an era of openness and pluralism, it also possessed the spiritual strength of an inward-looking and resilient spirit. This force is clearly expressed in the colour scheme, the shape of the tea bowls, the glaze, the exposed tyre and other features, especially the Zen tea, which makes Jianzan not only a practical vessel, but also a sacred vessel representing the spirit of the Song people and their understanding of Zen Buddhism. What is a holy cup? A Jianzan tea bowl is also a holy cup.

In this context, the pursuit of the spiritual core is obviously more important than the pursuit of the technical features of the external appearance. To understand the beauty of a tea bowl, we should start from the spiritual connotation, not from its colour or the sheer volume and quality of hare's fur.

The famous Ryuko-in Yohen Tenomoku Tea Bowl is colourful, iridescent, but the abbot of Ryoko-in said that instead of the colourful surface, Buddhism is the real core of the bowl, so to appreciate Ryuko-in Yohen, we should start from the heart of Buddhism...such is the methodology.

This cup represents a kind of Jianyao inwardness, a warm and kindly heirloom glaze with a sparkle that is hard to match on unearthed pieces. The tea bowl, which has been handed down for centuries, is like a thousand-year-old man, who has seen the hustle and bustle of the world without saying a word.

The dark Jianyao tea bowl is a model of the shaded salute, a shining light in the shaded tea room. Any tea drinker who has ever ordered tea in a tea room with no light will know that the true beauty of Jian kiln is to appreciate the changes in light and shadow brought about by the passage of time under the natural light of the shade.



拍賣時間:6 月 15 日(星期六)

拍卖厅 A 順延



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