The design of the long-necked vase differs from typical Tang Sancai pieces, and it is believed to have been inspired by foreign cultures. The craftsmanship is exceptionally fine, and the geometric patterns on the vase body are highly creative, showcasing the diverse and intricate decorative techniques to their fullest.
20.8 cm (height)
10.6 cm (diameter)
at foot 7.5 cm (diameter)
Credit line
Presented by Sir Herbert Ingram, 1956.
Accession no.
1956年,Sir Herbert Ingram 爵士慷慨捐贈了超過3,000件中國和日本文物給當時位於印度學院的東方藝術博物館,將館內原有的收藏數量增加了一倍多。1962年,這批珍貴的藏品被移交至阿什莫林博物館,成為其收藏的重要組成部分。
Sir Herbert 與夫人(1958年,牛津,由英格拉姆家族提供,© Ingram 家族)
Herbert 爵士的祖父是《倫敦新聞畫報》(Illustrated London News)的創辦人,他出身於一個熱愛收藏的家族。1908年,他與夫人在蜜月期間造訪日本,並在當地停留三個月,專注於尋找各類“古玩”。期間,他們購得超過一千件藝術品,成為後來捐贈的一部分。Herbert 爵士特別對薩摩燒陶瓷情有獨鍾。在離開日本前,他成功購買了一位退休相撲力士的大量收藏,令他欣喜萬分。此外,他還從倫敦收集了許多刀劍飾物、精美漆器和根付。當時,他還為妻子購得600顆緒締(ojime),這批緒締後來由Lady Ingram 夫人一同捐贈。
回到英國後不久,Herbert 爵士的興趣逐漸轉向中國陶瓷。在隨後的二十年間,他建立了一個著名的收藏,涵蓋宋代及更早時期的青瓷和其他陶瓷。他還收集了大量中國早期玉器和青銅器,這些珍品也在1956年捐贈給博物館。
Herbert 爵士多年來一直是東方陶瓷學會(Oriental Ceramic Society)的活躍成員。他慷慨地向學生和專家分享他的收藏,並偶爾撰文發表研究成果。同時,Lady Ingram 夫人也在1930年代為《鑑賞家雜誌》(Connoisseur Magazine)撰寫了一系列文章,介紹他們的日本收藏,特別是漆器盒、薩摩燒以及她的緒締系列。
Sir Herbert Ingram Collection
The arrival of the Sir Herbert Ingram’s generous gift of over 3,000 Chinese and Japanese objects to the Museum of Eastern Art in 1956, then housed in the Indian Institute, more than doubled its original holdings. In 1962, these were moved to become part of the collection of the Ashmolean Museum.
Sir Herbert and Lady Ingram, Oxford, 1958, (By kind permission of the Ingram family). © Ingram estate
Sir Herbert, whose grandfather founded the Illustrated London News, came from a family of collectors. In 1908, he visited Japan on his honeymoon, and spent three months there hunting for ‘curios’. During this time, he and his wife bought over a thousand pieces, many of which formed part of the donation to the museum. Sir Herbert’s particular interest was in Satsuma earthenware, and towards the end of their stay in Japan to his great pleasure he managed to buy the majority of the collection of a retired sumo wrestler. To these he added many pieces of sword furniture, some fine lacquer, and netsuke from London. Six hundred beads (ojime) which he bought for his new wife in Japan were given at the same time by Lady Ingram.
A few years after his return to England, Sir Herbert began to turn his interest towards Chinese ceramics. During the following two decades he assembled a renowned collection of greenwares and other ceramics from the Song dynasty and earlier. These, along with numerous early Chinese jades and bronzes he had collected, also came to the museum in 1956.
Sir Herbert was an active member of the Oriental Ceramic Society for many years. He was always very generous at sharing his collection with students and experts alike, and also occassionaly published papers. Lady Ingram also wrote a number of articles for Connoisseur Magazine during the 1930s on different aspects of their Japanese collection, in particular the lacquer boxes, the Satsuma collection and her ojime.
參考SACA學會2019年06月19日 07:40在微信公眾號平台曾經發過的文章:《雨后空林:时间的翠色 - 收藏界的梅西 Sir Herbert Ingram》