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三彩筆記 vol.14 東京國立博物館:三彩貼花瓶,橫河民輔系列收藏 - Tokyo National Museum, Sancai Glaze Long Neck Bottle, Yokogawa Tamisuke Collection



橫河民輔 收藏系列



高25.0 口径7.6 底径8.8




The shape of this elegant vase was inspired by metal prototypes that were introduced from Central Asia. A very similar vase, partly glazed in pale green, in the Nezu Institute of Fine Arts, is illustrated in Tang Pottery and Porcelain, Tokyo, 1988, p. 45, no. 40. See also, two similar vases with horizontal ribs encircling the neck, one illustrated in The Arts of The T'ang Dynasty: A Loan Exhibition organized by the Los Angeles County Museum From Collections in America, Los Angeles, 1957, p. 82, no. 194; the other illustrated in Zhongguo taoci daxi, Han Tang taoci daquan (Chinese Ceramics Series, Han and Tang Ceramics), Taipei, 1987-89, p. 451.






  • 橫河的觀點


  • 伊東的觀點




Tamisuke Yokogawa's Aesthetic Theory

Tamisuke Yokogawa is well-known for his collection of Chinese ancient ceramics, which he later donated to the Tokyo National Museum, forming the renowned "Yokogawa Collection."

Yokogawa's aesthetic philosophy is reflected in the critique by Itō Chūta of his lecture. On July 20, 1892 (Meiji 25), Yokogawa presented a lecture titled "On the Superiority of Eastern or Western Art" at a regular meeting of the Architectural Institute of Japan. Itō subsequently responded with a rebuttal titled "Evaluating Mr. Yokogawa’s ‘On the Superiority of Eastern or Western Art’ and Presenting My Opinions." The key difference between the two lies not only in their understanding of art but also in their fundamental aesthetic views:

  • Yokogawa's perspective:

    "Art and craftsmanship are universal to humanity and not confined to any specific nation or region. Art should not be reduced to the fleeting ambitions of politicians or soldiers who seek temporary glory for limited purposes. Instead, it must aim to bring enjoyment and delight to humanity for all eternity, spreading its benefits to future generations."

  • Itō's perspective:

    "Eastern and Western peoples differ greatly in their climates and natural environments, and thus their preferences vary significantly. It is futile for us to judge them or for them to judge us. Their art represents their environment, just as ours represents ours. Since each follows its own environment in shaping its way of life, how can we argue about superiority?"

While Itō’s argument reflects a more regional and relativistic view, Yokogawa's aesthetic philosophy reveals an aspiration to universalize art beyond national or cultural confines. Rather than directly addressing the question of superiority, Yokogawa implicitly argues that as long as there is a shared ambition for art to bring joy to humanity, comparisons of superiority become irrelevant.

Yokogawa's vision is further exemplified in his work on the Imperial Theatre. When faced with the debate over whether the theatre’s design should follow Western styles or traditional Japanese styles, Yokogawa, committed to the concept of a "theatre for the people," decisively chose to design the theatre in a Western architectural style.




  • (横河)夫よりは申度事は、総て技芸なるものは世界共有同案の物で御坐り升、之は彼の国、どに申すぺき狭少なるものではありません、政治家や、軍人などが全世界の一小部分の為に一瞬時の名誉のためにする様な稀な希望を保つべきものではありません、世界上に人間の有らん限り塵却未来まで、此美術に依って楽ましめ、喜ばせん、此技芸の恩沢に依らしめんと期せぎる可からず、(中略)。

  • (伊東)以上諭するか如く、東西人種は索と其の風土気候を殊にするを以て、亦甚たしく其嗜好を異にせり、是故に我を以て彼を論するに由なく、又彼を以て余を論ナるを持す…彼の美術は彼の風土之を代表せり、我の美術は我の風土之を代表せり、彼は彼の風土に従て生活し、我は我の風土に従て生活せり、然らは則ほち吾人亦何を以てか其優劣を争はんや、(中略)。



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