在商代晚期(公元前14至11世紀),動物形狀的容器開始流行,這也許是對來自中國南方的動物形狀銅器的回應。這類器物很難被歸為什麼器形,英文的標題定為「Pigment Container」,一種顏料容器。


這件重要的西周青銅鳥形蓋盒來自荷蘭著名中國青銅器收藏家萬孝臣(Williem van Heusden),他於 1952 年寫道:這件小器物似乎是獨一無二的,我不確定該如何歸類(可能是屬於「觥」?)。

材料: 鑄銅;在動物脖部背後鑄有銘文尺寸: 高 16.4 x 寬 14.3 x 深 19.8 cm(6 7/16 x 5 5/8 x 7 13/16 英寸)
重量: 1550.72 克銘文與標記: 銘文以表意字形鑄於動物脖部底部和容器圓形孔之間的平面方形表面上。
記錄的所有權歷史:溫斯洛普(Grenville L. Winthrop), New York(1943年之前),遺贈;捐贈給 Fogg Art Museum, 1943年。
資金來源:哈佛藝術博物館/亞瑟·M·薩克勒博物館,Grenville L. Winthrop 遺贈收藏年: 1943年物品編號: 1943.52.97






Shang Dynasty 'Nongqi' Vessel
Possibly a 'Gong / Guang'
Harvard University Art Museum
Although there are no contemporaneous records explaining the meaning of the decorations on Shang bronzes, the preponderance of zoomorphic motifs and the emergence of animal-shaped vessels made of bronze or jade are clear indications of the importance of animals in the repertoire of Shang artisans.
The principle Shang motif was the animal mask, referred to in later texts as a taotie. This enigmatic image (seen repeatedly on vessels in the adjacent cases) is not identifiable as any one beast but appears to be a composite of creatures both real and imagined, with two stark eyes, horns, ears, and fangs. During the late Shang period (14th–11th century BCE), animal-shaped vessels began to be cast, perhaps in response to zoomorphic bronzes introduced from southern China.
The guang wine vessel displayed here is a magnificent example — it cleverly incorporates a tiger at the front of the vessel and an owl at the back handle; the animals’ heads are represented on the lid and their more subtly rendered bodies are on the vessel.

Cast bronze; with an inscription cast behind the animal's neck
H. 16.4 x W. 14.3 x D. 19.8 cm (6 7/16 x 5 5/8 x 7 13/16 in.)
Weight 1550.72 g
Inscriptions and Marks
inscription: ideographs integrally cast on flat, square surface between the base of the animal's neck and the container's circular perforation
Recorded Ownership History
Grenville L. Winthrop, New York (by 1943), bequest; to Fogg Art Museum, 1943.
Credit Line
Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop
Accession Year
Object Number

Shang Dynasty Bronze Containers:
An Exploration of Function and Symbolism
The study of bronze ‘Nongqi’ containers from the Shang and Zhou Dynasty remains an active area of research. These artifacts, often found in female tombs, are typically small in size and are believed to have been used for holding liquids or cosmetics. They frequently appear in religious rituals or feasts, showcasing high artistic value and often featuring animal motifs as primary decorations. These vessels not only carry symbolic meanings but also reflect the era's understanding of the natural world and reverence for deities.
Shang Dynasty ‘Nongqi’ bronze containers often exhibit various animal features, such as dragons, tigers, and birds. These animal-shaped vessels represent the connection between humans and the natural world and may be related to the myths or religious ceremonies of the time. Crafted using advanced casting techniques, these containers are frequently adorned with intricate inscriptions and decorations, embodying profound cultural significance.
Notably, dragon, tiger, bird, and human-shaped containers are especially renowned. These vessels were not only practical items but also symbols of power and sanctity. In the social structure of the Shang and Zhou periods, such decorative and uniquely shaped artifacts were typically owned by nobility or royalty, representing their status and sacredness.
The Shang Dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BCE) was a period of significant cultural and technological advancement in ancient China. Bronze casting reached its peak during this era, with artisans creating intricate and large-scale vessels used in various ceremonies and rituals. The use of animal motifs in these bronzes reflects the Shang people's deep connection with nature and their belief in the spiritual significance of animals. These artifacts provide valuable insights into the religious practices, social hierarchy, and artistic achievements of the Shang civilization.
