
靜嘉堂文庫藏 南宋官窯鼎式爐 壺中居廣田松繁20世紀初於北京購藏

時期: 晚1800年代
套屬: 為一組器物之一(詳見完整套件紀錄)
產地: 日本,明治時期 (1868–1912)
材質: 瓷器搭配鍍金青銅蓋
尺寸:口徑:14.6 厘米 (5 3/4 in.)、整體尺寸:12.4 厘米 (4 7/8 in.)
《日本的浮世》(Japan’s Floating World):克利夫蘭藝術博物館主辦(2022年4月8日至10月9日)
《1972年度回顧》(Year in Review: 1972):克利夫蘭藝術博物館(1973年2月27日至3月18日)

廣田煕(Hiroshi Hirota)是東京日本橋著名古董商「壺中居」的二代目負責人,其家業始於其叔父松繁(號:不孤斎)創立的商號。戰前,他與青山二郎、小林秀雄等學者及藝術家有著廣泛的交往,並因其叔父的號在青山被戲稱為「腹黑斎」。

Covered Incense Burner
This incense burner imitates Chinese porcelain in both its glaze and form. During the Meiji period, many prominent ceramicists, while producing objects with Japanese-style glazes, actively explored classical Chinese forms and glazes as a tribute to traditional Chinese porcelain. The prototype of this object is a Ding-shaped censer from the Southern Song Guan Kiln, housed in the Seikado Bunko Art Museum. It was purchased in Beijing by Hirota Matsushige (known as Fuku Kōsai), the founder of Kochukyo, and later resold to Iwasaki Yamada of Mitsubishi, eventually entering the Seikado Bunko Art Museum collection.
Although the Japanese Longquan wares are not from the Song dynasty, their quality is exceptional. These over 100-year-old artworks are now difficult to replicate. Many contemporary Longquan productions struggle to reproduce the temperature and firing conditions of the Song kiln. As a result, numerous dealers market such pieces as Southern Song Longquan ware, creating a certain level of confusion.

late 1800s
Japan, Meiji period
Porcelain with gilt bronze cover
Diameter of mouth: 14.6 cm (5 3/4 in.); Overall: 12.4 cm (4 7/8 in.)
Gift of Hiroshi Hirota 1972.88
Japan’s Floating World 日本の浮世. The Cleveland Museum of Art (organizer) (April 8-October 9, 2022).
Japanese Gallery 235 Rotation - January-July 2017. The Cleveland Museum of Art (January 9-July 10, 2017).
Year in Review: 1972. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (February 27-March 18, 1973).
広田 煕
Hiroshi Hirota
