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宋代筆記 vol.77 傳世大天目茶碗:哈佛大學藝術博物館、福克(Falk)、藍理捷、佳士得紐約2001年 - Heirloom Tenmoku, Large Tea Bowl from the Harvard University Art Museum, J.J.Lally, Christie’s NY 2001, Myron & Pauline Falk Collection.


這件建窯大尺寸斗笠型茶盞,來自2001年著名收藏家Myron Falk & Pauline Falk專場拍賣。當時由著名的藝術品經紀人J.J.Lally競得後,再由哈佛大學藝術博物館從Lally先生手中購得,現藏於哈佛大學藝術博物館。

Myron Falk & Pauline Falk專場




J.J. Lally & Co., New York

Christie’s, New York, Sale 9822, Lot 91

Mr. and Mrs. Myron S. Falk, Jr. Collection, New York (Collection number 103); purchased from C.T. Loo & Cie, Paris, in February 1963

C.T. Loo & Cie, Paris

Mme. Ramet, Paris

Publication History

Robert D. Mowry, Hare's Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers: Chinese brown- and black-glazed ceramics, 400-1400, exh. cat., Harvard University Art Museums (Cambridge, MA, 1996), pp. 217-218, no. 81

Catalogue Cover photo provided Benjamin W. Yim

This is a very impressive piece: a C.T. Loo heirloom, silver rabbit hair, large size, good condition, Falk, J.J. Lally, and in the collection of the Harvard University Art Museums.

This large Jian kiln tealight in the form of a conical hat is from the 2001 auction of the famous collectors Myron Falk & Pauline Falk sale. It was bought by the famous art dealer J.J. Lally and then purchased by the Harvard University Art Museums, where it is now in the museum collection.

It was sold in 2001 for a mere 56,400USD, or about 410,000RMB. Harvard University Art Museums as an educational museum, famously collects only top quality pieces. The present piece although is not comparable to its Oil Spot counter parts in the collection of Freer Museum, is still highly sought after by tea masters nowadays.

Catalogue photo provided Benjamin W. Yim





A Rare Large Jianyao 'Hare's Fur' Conical Tea Bowl

Song dynasty, 12th-13th century

The deep, heavily potted sides flaring upwards to the gently everted rim, covered inside and out with a lustrous black glaze finely streaked with silvery brown 'hare's fur' markings, thinning to dark brown at the rim and pooling in a line above the shallow foot ring exposing the coarse ware fired to a dark purplish-brown color

6 11/16in. (17cm.) diam., box and stand

Falk Collection no. 103.


Mme. Ramet.

C.T. Loo & Cie, Paris, February 1963.


Selections of Chinese Art from Private Collections in the Metropolitan Area, New York, China House Gallery, China Institute in America, 1966-1967, no. 50.

Hare's Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers: Chinese Brown- and Black-Glazed Ceramics, 400-1400, Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Harvard University Art Museums; New York, Chinese Institute Gallery; Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, 1995-1997, no. 81.

Christie's Essay:

Although during the Tang dynasty celadon-glazed bowls had been the most admired for tea drinking, the even greater enthusiasm for tea during the Song dynasty saw a number of changes. Tea parties became the vogue and tea contests were often held at one of the many tea houses. Connoisseurs prided themselves on their ability to prepare tea, and contests were devised for the preparation of so-called 'whipped tea', which was whisked to produce a white froth on the top. Since the winner was the person whose froth lasted the longest, having a bowl whose color showed the froth to advantage was soon regarded as desirable. Black tea bowls became fashionable and were made at a number of kilns in north and south China, including the Jian kilns of Fujian, where this bowl was made.

In his Cha lu (Record of Tea) Cai Xiang noted that: "The froth of the tea is seen most clearly in a tea bowl with black glaze. The tea bowls made at Jian'an have purplish black glaze with hare's fur pattern. The body is slightly thicker and so retains the heat well. It is excellent." It is this category into which the Falk bowl falls. Tea drinking was also popular at court and the Northern Song Emperor Huizong (r. AD 1101-1125) was a great devotee of tea drinking and wrote a twelve-chapter dissertation Da Guan cha lun (Discussion of Tea in the Daguan period). He, too, admired Jian hare's fur tea bowls and stated: "The black hued tea bowls are to be preferred. Those with the distinctive hare's fur glaze are the best."

Jian ware hare's fur bowls were greatly admired within China and also in other Asian countries, most notably Japan. Bowls of this type have been preserved in Japan where they have been handed down from generation to generation. Bowls of the large size of the Falk bowl are, however, extremely rare. A large bowl of this type in the Percival David Foundation, illustrated in Illustrated Catalogue of Ting and Allied Wares, London, 1980, PDF 321, pl. XIV, has the character bao (treasure) incised into its base, and a later-added inscription reading Kunningdian heshi (Harmonious pleasure for the Pavilion of Earthly Peace), indicating that the bowl was intended for a residence of the empress.


蔡襄在他的《茶錄》中指出: 蔡襄在《茶錄》中指出:「茶沫在黑釉茶碗中看得最清楚。建安所製的茶碗施紫黑釉,有兔毫紋。壺身稍厚,保溫性好。是極品"。Falk 碗就屬於這一類。飲茶在宮廷也很流行,北宋徽宗(公元 1101-1125 年)是飲茶的忠實信徒,他寫了一篇十二章的論文《大觀茶論》。他也很欣賞建兔裘茶碗,並表示 他說:「茶碗以黑色為佳。有獨特兔毫釉的茶碗是最好的"。

建器兔毫紋碗在中國和其他亞洲國家(尤其是日本)都深受推崇。這種類型的碗一直保存在日本,代代相傳。然而,像 Falk 碗這種大尺寸的碗是非常罕見的。大衛基金會 (Percival David Foundation) 收藏了一件這類型的大碗,插圖見於倫敦,1980 年,PDF 321,圖版 XIV,碗底刻有寶字,後來又加了 「坤寧殿和氏璧 」的題文,顯示這件碗是供皇后居住用的。

谁是Falk (福克)?

Falk Collection福克收藏系列,指的是美國著名的銀行家、慈善家Pauline Baerwald Falk,Myron F. (Johnny) Falk伉儷畢生的收藏。福克一生收集了超過700件從商代到宋元明清的器物,2001年,佳士得紐約為他舉行的專場拍賣,可算是一場教科書般意義的拍賣,福克收藏也被紐約時報譽為美國歷史上最好的中國藝術品收藏序列之一。


The Falk Collection refers to the lifelong collection of the famous American banker and philanthropist Pauline Baerwald Falk and Myron F. (Johnny) Falk. Falk lifetime collection of more than 700 pieces from the Shang Dynasty to the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing wares, in 2001, Christie's New York for his special auction, can be regarded as a textbook significance of the auction, the Falk collection is also known as the New York Times, the United States history of one of the best collection of Chinese art sequence.

Born in 1906, Mr and Mrs Faulk were newly married in 1935, and on their honeymoon they came across a Ming dynasty blue and white ware, and from then on they were fascinated by Chinese art. 1937, Mr and Mrs Faulk took the inaugural voyage of the Pan American Flying Boat and flew to China, where they began a lifelong collection of Chinese art.


從當時的錄像生活片段顯示,福克夫婦非常享受在中國的時間。抵達後不久,便在外灘的和平飯店,宴會狂舞至凌晨4點…… 他們在那裡與著名作家Edgar Snow相聚,隨後去了紫禁城和長城。

Falk was only 31 years old in 1937, but he had clearly amassed a great deal of wealth. The young couple, newly married, flew on Pan Am's inaugural luxury jet to the mysterious Far East, Shanghai Tang.

Video life footage from the time shows that Mr and Mrs Falk thoroughly enjoyed their time in China. Soon after their arrival, they were at the Peace Hotel on the Bund, partying and dancing until 4 a.m....... They met up with famous author Edgar Snow there, and then went to the Forbidden City and the Great Wall.


這次的旅程徹底的打開了福克夫婦對中國藝術的認知,開始關注明代青花以外的藝術形式,從商代到宋代的各種藝術品,並結識當時有名的藝術品經紀人Mathias Komor,大體通過他來向當時一些有名的古董商採購,例如CT.Loo盧芹齋,Yamanaka山中商會等。

就這樣,過去了42年,福克夫婦等到1979年改革開放以後才有機會回到中國,此時福克已經是將近80的老人。他的孫輩回憶,儘管已是80高齡,福克仍像掉進了蜜罐般,興奮地到處尋購瓷片…… 這時候,福克已經有大量的收藏。

Who did he buy from and how did he acquire it?

This journey completely opened up the Fockers' knowledge of Chinese art, and they began to pay attention to art forms other than the Ming Dynasty blue and white, from the Shang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, and became acquainted with Mathias Komor, a renowned art broker at the time, through whom they were able to purchase from some of the most famous antique dealers of the time, such as CT.Loo Loo Qinzhai, Yamanaka Yamanaka Shokai, etc. In the meantime, the Fockers waited for 42 years until after the reform and opening up of China in 1979 before having the opportunity to return to China.

Thus, after 42 years, Mr and Mrs Falk waited until after the opening up of China in 1979 before they had the opportunity to return to China, by which time Falk was already nearly 80 years old. His grandchildren recalled that despite being 80 years old, Falk was still as excited as if he had fallen into a honey pot, looking around for ceramic tiles ...... By this time, Falk already had a large collection. However, back in the ‘motherland’, he should be able to let go of buying, buy porcelain tiles, learning knowledge, like a child back to the original point.


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