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宋代筆記 Vol.91 宋代鈞窯青釉小罐:傳奇藏家帕默家族珍藏 - The R.H.R Palmer Collection: A Rare Green Jun `Lotus Bud’ Water Pot

這件特殊的「綠鈞」由John Sparks經手,英國著名藏家 Palmer 帕默家族的珍藏,或為汝州青瓷,釉面質感潤亮,開冰片與汝窯相似。


This super rare, exquisite ‘Green Jun’ comes from the collection of the famous British collector, the Palmer family, a noble family whose artefacts are very well documented and acquired from famous British antique dealers, and whose provenance and pricing are so clear that they have become textbook treasures of Chinese ancient art.

2023年5月30日,香港佳士得呈獻「博古紹裘 - 帕默家族珍藏」專場拍賣。此珍藏為歐洲中國藝術品私人收藏中最為重要且具影響力的珍藏之一,由帕默家族自19世紀末至20世紀初隔多代建立而成,充分展現對藝術鑑賞及收藏的熱誠。



宋 鈞窯青釉雞心罐

3 5/8 in. (9.2 cm.) high


John Sparks,倫敦,1950年3月31日 (圖一)


鈞窯雞心形水丞可屬較常見器物,但綠釉作品則為罕見。相近鈞窯藍釉之例子可見於全球知名珍藏,部分帶有原配蓋,其一為北京故宮博物院藏品,載於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集- 卷32- 兩宋瓷器(上)》,香港,1996年,頁242,編號218,另一近似例為紐約大都會博物館藏品,載於S. Valenstein,《Handbook of Chinese Ceramics》,紐約,1989年再版,頁87,編號79。


The Palmer Family Collection is one of the most important private European collections of Chinese art in our Spring auction. Amassed from the late 19th to early 20th centuries across multiple generations, this collection truly demonstrates the passion and appreciation of art by the informed collectors, and it has been widely exhibited and published, from the landmark exhibition of Chinese Art at the Royal Academy in London in 1935, to other significant exhibitions held by world-renowned Oriental Ceramics Society in London. This sale comprises 63 lots that are representative of this remarkable collection, including examples of Imperial Qing porcelains, classic Ming blue and white porcelains, early ceramics, metalworks, painted enamels, and jade carvings.

To complement this sale, Christie’s Education hosted a complimentary programme introducing the development of Chinese art collecting activities in the late 19th and early 20th century Britain. Through specialist lectures and handling session, you will learn about the story and the key pieces of this remarkable collection.



SONG DYNASTY (960-1279)

Price realised

HKD 478,800


HKD 100,000 – HKD 150,000


SONG DYNASTY (960-1279)

The water pot has rounded sides rising to a narrow mouth, covered overall with a glaze of dark sea-green colour suffused with attractive crackles.

3 5/8 in. (9.2 cm.) high


John Sparks, London, 31 March 1950 (Fig. 1)

The Reginald and Lena Palmer Collection, no. 654

Jun water containers of this elegant form, apparently inspired by a lotus bud, are well known, although green-glazed examples appear to be quite rare. Those with the more usual blue glaze are well represented in public and private collections, including some with their original covers, such as the example in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum - 32 - Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (I), Hong Kong, 1996, p. 242, no. 218, and one in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, illustrated by S. Valenstein, Handbook of Chinese Ceramics, New York, 1989 rev. ed., p. 87, no. 79.

See a similar example, of a lesser vibrant colour, sold at Christie’s New York, 14 September 2018, lot 1316.

R.H.R. Palmer Collection


1. Who were the Palmers?

The Palmers were a British family who made their fortune in the biscuit manufacturing business, specifically with the renowned firm Huntley & Palmers. W. Howard Palmer, chairman in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and his wife Ada, began the family tradition of collecting Chinese art, favoring the then-popular "Chinese export" style. Their son, Reginald ('RHR') Palmer, and his wife Lena, continued this tradition, significantly shifting the focus towards Chinese-taste ceramics, jades, and works of art made for the Chinese domestic market, including Imperial pieces.

1. Palmers 家族是誰?

Palmers 是一個英國家族,以餅乾製造業發家,特別是著名的 Huntley & Palmers 公司。W. Howard Palmer 是 19 世紀末 20 世紀初的主席,他和妻子 Ada 開始了收藏中國藝術品的家族傳統,偏愛當時流行的 「中國出口 」風格。他們的兒子 Reginald ('RHR') Palmer 及其妻子 Lena 繼承了這一傳統,並將重點轉移到中國風味的陶瓷、玉器以及為中國國內市場製作的藝術品,包括官窯瓷器。

2. What made the R.H.R. Palmer Collection so significant?

The R.H.R. Palmer Collection is considered one of the most important collections of Chinese ceramics in Britain from the first half of the 20th century. The collection stands out for its high quality, with pieces chosen for their historical significance, craftsmanship, and aesthetic appeal, reflecting a deep understanding of Chinese art and connoisseurship. This discerning approach distinguished the collection from those of previous generations, like RHR Palmer's parents, who primarily collected export porcelain.

2. 是什麼讓 R.H.R. Palmer 珍藏如此重要?

R.H.R. Palmer 珍藏被認為是二十世紀上半葉英國最重要的中國陶瓷收藏之一。這批藏品以其高質量脫穎而出,所選藏品以其歷史意義、工藝和美學吸引力為依歸,反映出對中國藝術和鑑賞家的深刻理解。這種獨具慧眼的收藏方式使其有別於 RHR Palmer 父母等主要收藏外銷瓷器的上一代收藏者。

3. What types of objects were in the collection?

The R.H.R. Palmer Collection was particularly strong in Ming and Qing dynasty ceramics. It included important Song dynasty pieces, Ming blue and white porcelain, Imperial yellow wares, and a notable selection of Qing dynasty "Beijing" and "Canton" enamels. The collection also featured early ceramics, jade carvings, and other smaller works of art.

3. 收藏品有哪些類型?

R.H.R. Palmer 的收藏以明清瓷器為主。其中包括重要的宋瓷、明代青花瓷器、官窯黃釉,以及清代「北京」和「廣州」琺瑯彩器。

4. Where and how did the Palmers acquire their collection?

Reginald and Lena Palmer primarily purchased objects from reputable London dealers during the 1920s-1960s. Their most significant source was Bluett & Sons, known for their expertise in Chinese art. Other dealers included Spink and Son, Sydney L. Moss, John Sparks Ltd, Yamanaka, and H.R.N. Norton. The Palmers also acquired pieces at auctions, notably from the John Love collection sale at Christie's.

4. Palmer一家從何處及如何獲得他們的收藏?

1920-1960年代,Reginald 和 Lena Palmer 主要從倫敦著名的經銷商處購買藏品。他們最重要的來源是 Bluett & Sons,他們以擅長中國藝術而聞名。其他經銷商包括 Spink and Son、Sydney L. Moss、John Sparks Ltd、Yamanaka 及 H.R.N. Norton。Palmers 夫婦也從拍賣會上購得藏品,尤其是佳士得的 John Love 珍藏拍賣。

5. Was the Palmer Collection influenced by any organizations or individuals?

Yes, the Palmers were active members of the Oriental Ceramic Society (OCS) in London. This society, founded in 1921, played a crucial role in promoting the study and appreciation of Chinese ceramics and fostered a community of collectors, scholars, and dealers. Through the OCS, the Palmers could engage with experts, attend exhibitions, and refine their understanding of Chinese art, ultimately shaping their collection's focus and quality.

5. Palmers 收藏系列是否受到任何組織或個人的影響?

是的,Palmers 夫婦是倫敦東方陶瓷協會 (Oriental Ceramic Society, OCS) 的活躍會員。該協會成立於 1921 年,在推動中國陶瓷的研究和鑒賞方面發揮了重要作用,並培育了一個由收藏家、學者和經銷商組成的社群。透過 OCS,Palmers 夫婦可以與專家接觸、參加展覽,並改善他們對中國藝術的理解,最終塑造了他們的收藏重點與品質。

6. What happened to the R.H.R. Palmer Collection?

The Palmers began to disperse their collection through auctions at Sotheby's in the 1960s, with significant sales in 1962 and 1968. After Reginald's death in 1970 and Lena's in 1982, further sales took place at Sotheby's and Christie's in London and Hong Kong. The collection's dispersal attracted international buyers, including museums and prominent private collectors, solidifying its legacy in the field of Chinese art.

6. R.H.R. Palmer收藏現歸何處?


7. Did the Palmers loan pieces for exhibitions?

Yes, the Palmers generously lent pieces from their collection to various exhibitions organized by the Oriental Ceramic Society in London. Notable examples include Polychrome Porcelain of the Ming and Manchu Dynasties (1950), Enamelled Polychrome Porcelain of the Manchu Dynasty (1951), and The Arts of the Ching Dynasty (1964). These loans provided valuable insights into the scope and quality of their collection and contributed significantly to the growing public understanding of Chinese art during that period.

7. Palmers 是否借出作品參加展覽?

是的,Palmers 夫婦慷慨地將他們的藏品借給倫敦東方陶瓷協會 (Oriental Ceramic Society) 舉辦的各種展覽。著名的例子包括明清的瓷器 (1950)、琺瑯彩 (1951) 以及清朝的藝術 (1964)。這些借出的藏品提供了寶貴的見解,讓人了解其收藏的範圍與品質,並對那段期間公眾對中國藝術日漸加深的了解有重大的貢獻。

8. Are there any published works featuring objects from the R.H.R. Palmer Collection?

Yes, pieces from the R.H.R. Palmer collection were featured in influential publications on Chinese art. Several objects, particularly their Qing dynasty enamels, were selected to illustrate the groundbreaking three-volume study Chinese Art: The Minor Arts (1963) by R. Soame Jenyns and William Watson. The inclusion of Palmer pieces in this and other scholarly works underscores the collection's significance and lasting impact on the study of Chinese art history.

8. 是否有任何出版作品介紹 R.H.R. Palmer 珍藏的藏品?

有,R.H.R. Palmer 珍藏的作品曾在有影響力的中國藝術出版物中出現。有幾件藏品,特別是清代琺瑯彩,被選為三卷本開創性研究Chinese Art: The Minor Arts (1963) by R. Soame Jenyns and William Watson。Palmer 的作品被收錄在這本書和其他學術著作中,突顯了該藏品對中國藝術史研究的重要性和持久影響力。

R.H.R. Palmer Collection


Late 19th Century (1860s - 1890s):

  • 1860s:Duveen family, Dutch antique dealers, arrive in England, bringing with them a taste for blue and white and famille verte porcelain.

  • A revival of interest in Chinese export porcelain begins, driven by collectors like J.M. Whistler and Oscar Wilde.

  • 1880s:Duveen Brothers open a branch on Bond Street in London, further fueling the demand for early 18th century Chinese porcelain, particularly Kangxi period pieces.

  • 1890s:W. Howard Palmer, Chairman of Huntley & Palmers, and his wife Ada begin collecting Chinese export porcelain, reflecting the popular taste of the time.

Early 20th Century (1920s-1930s):

  • 1921: The Oriental Ceramic Society (OCS) is founded in London, fostering a growing interest in Chinese-taste ceramics and scholarship.

  • 1924: Reginald ("Reggie") Palmer and Lena Cobham marry. They begin to shift the focus of the Palmer family collection towards Chinese-taste ceramics, works of art, and jades.

  • Mid-1920s: Reggie and Lena begin actively collecting, patronizing dealers like Spink and Son, Bluett and Sons, Sydney L. Moss, John Sparks Ltd., and Yamanaka.

  • 1926: The Palmers make their first purchases from Bluett and Sons, marking the start of a long relationship with the dealership.

  • 1927: Reggie acquires pieces from John Love's collection of Ming ceramics, auctioned at Christie's, through Bluett and Sons.

  • 1928: The Palmers make significant purchases from Bluett, including classic Ming Imperial porcelains.

  • 1929: They purchase a yellow-ground bowl with sepia decoration, bearing the Dayazhai mark, from Bluett, originally sourced from H.R.N. Norton.

  • 1935: The Palmers lend pieces to the landmark exhibition of Chinese Art at the Royal Academy in London.

  • 1936: They acquire a large Dingyao saucer dish and a 15th-century blue and white dish from Bluett's exhibition of early Chinese jade carvings, glass, pottery, and porcelain.

Mid 20th Century (1940s-1960s):

  • 1947: Reggie and Lena purchase a pair of slender baluster famille rose vases from Bluett, originally sourced from H.R.N. Norton.

  • 1950: The Palmers lend pieces to the OCS Exhibition "Polychrome Porcelain of the Ming and Manchu Dynasties."

  • 1951: Their collection is featured in the OCS Exhibition "Enamelled Polychrome Porcelain of the Manchu Dynasty."

  • 1962: The first auction of items from the Palmer Collection takes place at Sotheby's, focusing on important Ming porcelain.

  • 1963: R. Soame Jenyns and William Watson publish their influential study "Chinese Art: The Minor Arts," featuring pieces from the Palmer Collection.

  • 1964: The Palmers contribute to the OCS Exhibition "The Arts of the Ching Dynasty."

  • 1968: A second auction of ceramics and jades from the Palmer Collection takes place at Sotheby's.

  • 1970: Reginald Palmer passes away.

Late 20th Century (1970s-1980s):

  • 1974 & 1976: Smaller dispersals from the Palmer Collection are held.

  • 1982: Following Lena Palmer's death, an auction of early Ming blue and white porcelain vessels from the collection takes place at Christie's.

  • 1989: A single-owner sale of Yuan and Ming blue and white pieces from the Palmer Collection is held at Christie's Hong Kong, hailed as one of the most important offerings of its kind in the 20th century.

Cast of Characters:


  • W. Howard Palmer (1865-1923): Reginald's father and Chairman of Huntley & Palmers. He initiated the family's collection by acquiring Chinese export porcelain in the late 19th century.

  • Ada Palmer (1870-1953): Howard Palmer's wife who shared his interest in Chinese export porcelain.

  • Reginald "Reggie" Palmer MC, DL (1898-1970): A distinguished businessman, war veteran, and passionate collector. He shifted the focus of the family collection towards Chinese-taste ceramics, jades, and works of art.

  • Lena Cobham Palmer (?-1982): Reginald's wife who shared his passion for Chinese art. She likely influenced the acquisition of delicate enamelled pieces and Qing dynasty porcelain.

Dealers & Experts:

  • Duveen Family: A dynasty of Dutch antique dealers who played a significant role in reviving the taste for Chinese export porcelain in late 19th century England.

  • Bluett and Sons: A prominent London-based dealership specializing in Asian art. They were the principal supplier of Chinese art to the Palmers, establishing a long-lasting relationship with Reginald and Lena.

  • Edgar and Leonard Bluett: The brothers who ran Bluett and Sons, known for their expertise and the high quality of objects they offered.

  • John Sparks Ltd.: Another important London dealer in Chinese art, patronized by the Palmers.

  • Spink and Son: A well-established dealership specializing in Asian art and other collectibles.

  • Sydney L. Moss: A London-based dealer in Chinese art.

  • Yamanaka: A renowned art dealership with a strong presence in the Asian art market.

  • Tonying Company: A Chinese art dealership with a London office until 1929.

  • H.R.N. Norton: A London-based dealer who sold numerous pieces to the Palmers, some of which were later featured in OCS exhibitions.

  • John Love: A book dealer and collector who assembled a significant collection of Ming ceramics.

  • Harry Oppenheim: An early member of the OCS and a notable collector of Chinese art.

  • Mallett's: A well-regarded dealership specializing in antiques and fine art.

  • Hancock: A London dealer specializing in Kangxi-period ceramics.

Scholars & Influencers:

  • J.M. Whistler: A prominent artist and collector who favored early 18th-century Chinese porcelain.

  • Oscar Wilde: A renowned writer and aesthete who championed the beauty of Chinese porcelain.

  • R. Soame Jenyns: A scholar of Chinese art and co-author of "Chinese Art: The Minor Arts."

  • William Watson: A specialist in Chinese art and co-author of "Chinese Art: The Minor Arts."

  • Sarah Wong: A scholar who co-edited "Collectors, Curators, Connoisseurs: A Century of the Oriental Ceramic Society 1921-2021".

  • Stacey Pierson: A scholar who co-edited "Collectors, Curators, Connoisseurs: A Century of the Oriental Ceramic Society 1921-2021".

This timeline and cast of characters offer a glimpse into the fascinating world of Chinese art collecting in early 20th century England, where the Palmer family played a significant role in shaping the taste for and appreciation of Chinese-taste ceramics.

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Oct 02


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