りょく ゆう しょう えん けん
高2.3㎝ 硯面径3.0㎝ 底径5.5㎝
隋~初唐 7世紀
最先出現的是無圓環的多足型,大約在六世紀末出現於河南安陽,後來在七世紀出現於陝西,圓環與河南的不同。 至於綠釉器,則有從寧夏固原七世紀後期墓葬出土的例子。
When collecting excavated materials from the Sui and Tang dynasties, one of the most distinctive artefacts of the period is the rounded inkstone with multiple feet, which was known in ancient China as a ‘biyong ji’ (辟雍硯).
There are three white porcelain inkstones and one green-glazed inkstone in the collection of the Changbansan Archives, but there are two types of rounded inkstones: one with a ring under the multiple feet supporting the surface of the inkstone, and the other without a ring.
The first of these, a multi-legged type without a ring, appeared at Anyang, Henan, around the end of the sixth century, and then in Sui and Shaanxi in the seventh century, with a different ring than the one in Henan. As for green-glazed wares, there is an example from a late seventh-century tomb in Guyuan, Ningxia.
▲ 10.「河南省安陽市置度村M8隋墓」,圖中10f手持的就是沒有圓環的「辟雍硯」
▲ 6.「河南省安陽市小屯村北YM243號墓」,6k,「辟雍硯」此時還沒有底座的圓環
『常盤山文庫と町田市立博物館が語る 中国陶磁うつくし』町田市立博物館、2016(解説 佐藤サアラ)常盤山文庫中国陶磁研究会会報7『初期白磁』公益財団法人常盤山文庫、2018(解説 佐藤サアラ)『常盤山文庫創立80周年記念名品選 蒐集のまなざし』公益財団法人常盤山文庫、2023(解説 三笠景子)
はく じ しょう えん けん
高2.5㎝ 硯面径5.9㎝ 底径6.7㎝
隋~初唐 7世紀
According to the Tokiwayama Archives, all of the Piyong Inkstone excavated in Xi'an from the 7th century onwards have a rounded footrim. Indeed, as the records of Sui and Tang dynasty tombs show, similar examples from the late sixth century do not have rounded feet.
▲ 7.「河南省安阳市桥村隋墓」7w
掲載図書常盤山文庫中国陶磁研究会会報7『初期白磁』公益財団法人常盤山文庫、2018(解説 佐藤サアラ)
はく じ しょう えん けん
高2.3㎝ 硯面径4.8㎝ 底径5.8㎝
隋~初唐 7世紀
The appearance of ‘Piyong Inkstone’ with rounded footrims from about 605, ‘Piyong Inkstone’ without rounded footrims at the end of the sixth century, and similar works with rounded footrims at 605, does not mean that the former were completely eliminated, only that they co-existed, but that the former appeared much earlier.
▲ 16.「陝西省西安市長安區李裕墓」,605年,16f
▲ 19.「陕西省西安市长安区苏统帅墓」
はく じ しょう えん けん
高2.3cm 硯面径5.0㎝ 底径5.5㎝
隋~初唐 7世紀
The reappearance of pieces without footed rings in a burial in 610 suggests two possibilities:
Pieces with and without footed rings coexisted from at least 605 onwards;
The owner of this tomb, who purchased this early piece in the late 6th century, was then buried with it in 610 (a possibility that cannot be entirely ruled out.
▲ 24.「河南省郑州市郑仲明墓」,610年
The second possibility of the above statement exists, for in 618 another piece with a rounded foot appears:
▲ 26.「陕西省西安市田行达墓」,618年