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唐代筆記 Vol.9 撿漏魯山窯注器:肯禮夫勳爵(Lord Cunliffe)、福克(Falk)的魯山花瓷 - A Small Phosphatic-Splashed Brown-Glazed Stoneware Ewer from the Falk and Lord Cunliffe Collection, Christie’s 2001 and Sotheby’s 2021.

這件魯山窯的小注器是毫無疑問的品位之選,來自著名古董商Bluett & Sons(1971),經過兩次東方陶瓷學會的展覽(1949、1955),由著名的東方陶瓷學會收藏家肯禮夫勳爵收藏(Lord Cunliffe)再進入福克伉儷(Pauline & Myron Falk)收藏。

2001年這件器物在佳士得紐約Falk專場釋放,價格是12925美金,隨後被美國收藏家Don Brian Lichty收藏,2021年其過世後,在一個蘇富比小專場釋放,由於並不是在專門的場次,加上疏於整理,並沒有用心做圖錄,僅僅賣得11340美金,這無異是一個不大不小的漏。

傳承紀錄 / Provenance and Exhibition History:

Captain William F. Collins, Peking. 8 September 1926, List 21. no. 39

Bluett & Sons, London,

"Early Chinese Art", 9-20 November 1926. illustrated in the exhibition catalogue, no. 68

Dr C. G. Seligman (1873-1940). London 8 November 1926

Mrs B. Z. Seligman (1882-1965). London Sotheby's, London, 2 May 1945, Lot 18

Bluett & Sons, LondonCu

Lord Cunliffe, The Re. Hon. Rolf,

2nd Baron Cunliffe of Headley

(1899-1963), 4 May 1945, collection no. PT3

The Oriental Ceramic Society. London, "Wares of the T'ang Dynesty"

27 April-8 June 1949, exhibition catalogue no. 140

The Oriental Ceramic Society. London, "The Arts of the T'ang Dynasty".

25 February-30 March 1955.

The Arts Council Gallery. illustrated in the exhibition catalogue, no. 235, plate 13

Bluett & Sons, London, June 1971.

"Chinese Pottery and Porcelain from the Cunliffe Collection"

Myron S. Falk jr. (1906-1989).|

New York. 9 June 1971. collection no. 8 Christie's, New York,

16 October 2001.

The Falk Collection I, Lot 23

J.J. Lally & Co., New York

Don Lichty (1941-2020), Honolulu

(History with contributions by Dominic Jellinek, Shared by Patrick Kwok)

▲ 肯禮夫勳爵(Lord Cunliffe)

This small Lushan kiln vessel is an undoubtedly tasteful choice, having come from the famous antique dealer Bluett & Sons (1971), through two exhibitions of the Oriental Ceramic Society (1949, 1955), into the collection of the famous Oriental Ceramic Society collector Lord Cunliffe, and then into the collection of Mr & Mrs Pauline & Myron Falk. In 2001, it was sold at Christie's.

In 2001, this piece was released at Christie's Falk sale in New York for $12,925, and was then collected by American collector Don Brian Lichty. In 2021, after his death, it was released at a Sotheby's small sale, it was totally neglected with no efforts made in advertisement, it was sold for a mere $11,340, an absolute bargain.

唐 魯山窰黑釉彩斑小執壺

A Small Phosphatic-Splashed Brown-Glazed Stoneware Ewer

Tang dynasty, 8th-9th century

Of bulbous ovoid form with a double-strap handle applied at both terminals with a boss, the mouth rim pinched inwards in the center to create a spout, covered with a mottled olive-brown glaze decorated with phosphatic splashes of milky pale blue and buff tone falling short of the splayed foot to expose the buff-colored ware


6 7/8in. (17.5cm.) high

Falk Collection no. 8.


Seligman Collection.

Cunliffe Collection, no. PT3.

Bluett & Sons, London, June 1971.


The Wares of the T'ang Dynasty, London, Oriental Ceramic Society, 1949, no. 140, from the collection of Lord Cunliffe.

The Arts of the T'ang Dynasty, London, Oriental Ceramic Society, 1955, no. 235.

Condition Report

Degradation to the glaze on the neck, a Y-shaped crack to the body.



這件魯山窯注器上所呈現的非凡釉色,是唐代中國北方窯業進行創新與實驗的結果。這是華北第一個在高溫石器上施高質量黑釉的時期。N.Wood在Chinese Glazes, London, 1999, p. 140-1一書中指出,這是由於使用了黃土,黃土含有天然平衡比例的氧化鐵和助熔劑,在1260-1300℃的溫度下燒製時能產生良好的黑色或深褐色光亮釉。

中國北方有幾個窯燒製這些壯觀的濺釉黑器。其中最著名的有河南省魯山的段店窯,河南郏县附近的黄道窑,以及巩县窑。目前已知陝西銅川的耀州窯,甚至廣西的容縣窯也曾燒製過這類石器。P.Hughes-Stanton和R.Kerr在《古代中國的窯址》(Kiln Sites of Ancient China)一書中展示了一件短頸、短嘴的陶壺遺跡,東方陶瓷協會,倫敦,1980年,第153頁,編號369。369. 1989年在魯山段店窯發現的兩件鼓形器、一個罐和一個短頸短口甕壺的碎片都有這種釉色,曾在香港大學美術博物館展出,《河南陶瓷出土品》,香港大學,1997年,頁121,編號92。北京故宮博物院藏有一件完整的這種鼓,並在《關東寺禪書》,M. Sato and G. Hasabe (編),第11卷,《隋唐》,東京,1976年,頁118,編號97與96,分別附有一件潑墨蓋罐的插圖。

有其他的黑/深棕色同款器物,但它們通常是短頸、短嘴,如鞏縣出土的,以及《Sekai toji zenshu》卷11,頁155,編號147。然而,Falk 壺是更優雅的長頸夾口形。本壺的夾口和精美的壺身都是典型的八世紀和九世紀精美的唐代陶瓷器。

Lot Essay

The remarkable glaze seen on this ewer was the result of innovation and experimentation carried out at kilns in north China during the Tang dynasty. This was the first period in which really good black glazes were applied to high-fired stonewares in north China. N. Wood in Chinese Glazes, London, 1999, p. 140-1, has suggested that this was due to the use of loessic clays, which contained a naturally balanced percentage of iron oxide and fluxes, which gave a good black or dark brown, glossy glaze when fired at temperatures of 1260-1300 C. The dramatic effect of opalescent grey-blue splashes on a black or dark brown glaze was achieved by splashing or pouring an ash-rich mixture onto the raw black glaze before it was fired.

Several northern Chinese kilns made these spectacular splashed blackwares. The most famous of these are the Duandian kiln at Lushan in Henan province, the Huangdao kiln, near Jiaxian, also in Henan, and the Gongxian kilns from the same province. Stonewares of this type are now known also to have been made at the Yaozhou kilns at Tongchuan in Shaanxi province, and even at the Rongxian kilns in Guangxi, which copied various Yaozhou wares. Remnants of a short-necked, short-spouted ewer have been found at the Gongxian kilns and illustrated by P. Hughes-Stanton and R. Kerr in Kiln Sites of Ancient China, Oriental Ceramic Society, London, 1980, p. 153, no. 369. Fragments of two drums, a jar and a short-necked, short-spouted ewer with this glaze found at the Duandian kiln at Lushan in 1989 were exhibited in Hong Kong at the University Museum and Art Gallery, Ceramic Finds from Henan, University of Hong Kong, 1997, p. 121, no. 92. A complete drum of this type is in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing, and illustrated with a splashed covered jar in Sekai toji zenshu, M. Sato and G. Hasabe (eds.), vol. 11, Sui Tang, Tokyo, 1976, p. 118, nos. 97 and 96, repectively.

Other black/dark brown-splashed ewers are known, but these are usually of the short-necked, short-spouted form with ovoid body, like that found at Gongxian, and the one illustrated in Sekai toji zenshu, vol. 11, p. 155, no. 147. The Falk ewer, however, is of the more elegant, long-necked form with pinched mouth. Both the pinched mouth and the beautifully potted, almost spherical, body of the Falk vessel are typical of fine Tang dynasty ceramics of the 8th and 9th centuries. Completely spherical bodies and pinched mouths can, for example, be seen on the famous black-glazed, high-footed ewer with dragon handle in the Hakone Art Museum and the high-footed, sancai ewer in the Tokyo National Museum, both of which are illustrated in Sekai toji zenshu, vol. 11, op. cit., nos. 28 and 226, respectively.

肯禮夫勳爵 / Lord Cunliffe

肯禮夫勳爵(Lord Cunliffe),中國古代藝術收藏界如雷貫耳般的傳承與存在。


肯禮夫勳爵的父親Walter Cunliffe(1st Baron Cunliffe)曾在1913-1918年間任英格蘭銀行的行長;肯禮夫是第二代男爵( Cunliffe of Headley):Rolf Cunliffe(1899-1963年),他於1946年加入東方陶瓷學會。 

Lord Cunliffe is a legacy and presence in the world of Chinese antiquities collecting.

Lord Cunliffe's father, Walter Cunliffe (1st Baron Cunliffe), was Governor of the Bank of England from 1913-1918; Cunliffe was the second Baronet (Cunliffe of Headley), Rolf Cunliffe (1899-1963), who joined the Oriental Ceramic Society in 1946. He joined the Oriental Ceramics Society in 1946.


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