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唐代筆記 Vol.12 白磁水鳥把手杯:超前的品位,32760美金售出、龍泉堂680萬日元展銷,OCS Malcolm、埃斯肯納齊(Eskenazi) - A Rare Cream-Glazed Goose-Form Cup, Mayuyama Ryusendo.

這件白瓷杯的造型非常特別。有藏家認為名字應該稱為“曲頸向天鵝”,相信靈感來自駱賓王的詩歌:鵝鵝鵝,. 曲項向天歌。 白毛浮綠水,. 紅掌撥清波。


  1. 傳承顯赫: OCS - Eskenazi - Mayuyama

  2. 造型特殊:白瓷水鳥幾乎是孤品

杯子的形狀是隨形的,但仔細觀察就會發現水鳥的臉部、鳥喙和眼睛的表情都很自然,顯示這是一件有細膩風格感的作品。杯子的口沿也經過倒角處理,使杯子的造型銳利但也柔和。 在微小的不規則處積聚的釉使杯子呈現黃綠色,這是這個時期白瓷的特徵。

以水禽為造型的杯子在唐代很受歡迎,大英博物館收藏的三彩中就有類似的例子,但白瓷杯的例子極為罕見,幾乎從未見過。 這些水鳥形杯的造型來自隋朝和初唐時期所見的西域金銀杯。

本品曾在1955年英國東方陶瓷協會舉辦的「唐代藝術」展覽上展出。 當時的英國收藏家一定為此杯的稀有性、獨特性以及有趣的造型而著迷。前收藏家 Captain Dugald Malcolm (1917-2000) 的藏品於 1977 年在蘇富比拍賣會上售出,是包括青銅器、古代玉器、古代陶器以及明清官窯的龐大收藏。

This white porcelain cup has a very unusual shape. The handle is shaped like a waterfowl and the entire cup is made to resemble a bird, giving it a very unique form.

The shape of the cup is deformed, but close inspection reveals a natural expression of the waterfowl's face, beak and eyes, indicating that this is a work with a careful sense of style. The mouth rim of the cup is also chamfered, giving the cup a sharp but also soft shape. The glaze that has accumulated on the slight irregularities gives the cup a yellow-green colour, which is characteristic of white porcelain of this period.Cups modelled on waterfowl were popular in the Tang dynasty, with examples in the British Museum collection in Sansai, but examples of white porcelain cups are extremely rare and almost never seen.

These waterfowl-shaped cups are thought to have been the ancestral type of western gold and silver cups seen in the Sui and Early Tang periods, and examples with particularly fine and elaborate forms have been left behind.

This example was exhibited at the ‘Art of the Tang Dynasty’ exhibition held by the Oriental Ceramic Society in the UK in 1955. British collectors of the time must have been fascinated by the rarity and singularity of this cup, as well as its interesting form. The collection of former collector Captain Dugald Malcolm (1917-2000), sold at Sotheby's in 1977, was a large collection that included bronzes, ancient jades, ancient earthenware and Ming and Qing Guan ware.



This piece was purchased by Longquantang at Christie's New York in 2022 for US$32,750, or about RMB 240,000; it is now on sale at its official online gallery for ¥6.8 million, or about RMB 340,000 due to the recent drop in the Japanese yen exchange rate. If sold, the profit would be RMB 100,000, which is 30% of sales, and therefore 30% of profit, with tax deductions, etc., which is not excessive.

In other words, with Longquantang's Goodwill premium of 30%, it is unlikely that this work will ever be bought by a Chinese collector, as the auction's track record would have seriously affected some of the dealers masquerading as collectors. The prospective collector of this work should be a collector who enjoys sculpture and collects for the purpose of learning and expanding his knowledge.

*上手視頻由杭州李光宇拍攝提供 / the handling video is provided by hangzhou guangyu li.




高 7.9 cm 長 8.3 cm


Captain Dugald Malcolm(1917〜2000年)旧蔵.Sotheby's ロンドン, 1977年3月29日, lot 88.Eskenazi, ロンドン, no. 7749.Sotheby's ニューヨーク, 1984年12月3日, lot 19.


「The Arts of the T’ang Dynasty」Oriental Ceramic Society, ロンドン, 1955年2月25日〜3月30日, no. 217.


『The Arts of the T’ang Dynasty』 Oriental Ceramic Society, 1955年, no. 217.

Sui dynasty–Early Tang (First half of the 7th century)

H. 7.9 cm L. 8.3 cm


Captain Dugald Malcolm (1917-2000) Collection.Sotheby's London, 29 March 1977, lot 88.Eskenazi, London, no. 7749.Sotheby's New York, 3 December 1984, lot 19.


The Arts of the T’ang Dynasty, Oriental Ceramic Society, London, 25 February-30 March 1955. no. 217.


The Arts of the T’ang Dynasty, Oriental Ceramic Society, 1955, no. 217.



僅かな凹凸部分にうっすらと溜まった釉が黄緑色を呈しており、この時期の白磁の特徴と云えます。水鳥をモデルとした杯は唐代に流行したようで、三彩の大英博物館蔵品などが散見されますが、白磁では非常に希少で類例がほとんど見られません。こうした水鳥形杯は、隋から初唐期に多く観られる西方の金銀器を祖型とした酒杯と考えられるタイプで、特に造形の優れた手の込んだ作例が遺されています。本作は1955年、イギリスのOriental Ceramic Societyが開催した「唐代の美術」展に出陳されています。

当時の英国の蒐集家達も、この杯の希少性と特異性、そして造形の面白さに魅了されたことでしょう。往時の旧蔵者Captain Dugald Malcolm(1917〜2000年)のコレクションは1977年にSotheby’sで売り立てられますが、青銅器、古玉、古代の土器から明清官窯作品までを含んだ一大コレクションでした。


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