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唐代筆記 Vol.17 唐三彩的多元面貌:重新認識唐三彩的藝術和實用價值 - Collecting Guide: Tang-dynasty sancai

Sancai Course



佳士得香港將於2016年10月4日舉行「古今 | 佳士得」拍賣,呈獻不同類別的中國藝術品,其中亮點有台灣資深藏家經歷數十載所蒐集而成的「德馨書屋珍藏」,藏品包括一系列造型別緻、釉色獨特的唐三彩器。


Highlights of The Pavilion Sale in October 2016 at Christie’s Hong Kong included the Dexinshuwu Collection, comprising exceptional sancai pieces from the Tang dynasty (618-907). With their sophisticated shapes and vibrant glazes, these pieces, which were collected over decades, showcase the mostly brown, green and amber palette of sancai and the versatility of these wares beyond their original design for use as mortuary objects.

唐 三彩貼花三足罐 成交价 港元 275,000 估价:港元 100,000 – 港元 150,000 (2016年10月4日)


「古今 | 佳士得」拍賣呈獻的「德馨書屋珍藏」中,便有數件工藝精美、顏色富麗的唐三彩器,如飾以綠、琥珀和淺黃色釉的唐三彩貼花三足罐。


The pinnacle of Tang-dynasty art

Beyond the yellow, white and green hues associated with the ceramics produced in this period, sancai-glazed pieces come in many colourful variations. The Dexinshuwu Collection featured a selection of exquisitely crafted, richly coloured sancai-glazed pieces, including an applique-decorated tripod jar finished with green, amber and ivory glazes (above).

唐 三彩幾何紋罐 成交价:港元 125,000 估价:港元 150,000 – 港元 260,000

唐 三彩藍斑奩爐 成交价:港元 237,500 估价:港元 100,000 – 港元 200,000


The significance of cobalt blue

The production of a sancai piece, which had to be glazed and fired at high temperature, involved numerous meticulous steps. Some glazes had to be re-fired to achieve the ideal appearance, with cobalt blue-glazed wares particularly rare because the pigment was a precious material imported from Persia. As such, pieces with cobalt-blue glazes were symbols of wealth and status, and were usually found only in the homes of royal families and aristocrats. A large sancai-glazed jar (above) and a blue-splashed sancai-glazed cylindrical tripod censer (below) are among the sale’s highlights.

A glimpse into history

Known for its military strength and openness towards other races and religions, the Tang dynasty developed a culture of rich diversity. To some extent, foreign influence had a positive impact on the aesthetics of the period. Fine examples of this dynamic exchange include the sancai-glazed bottle vase and the sancai-glazed vase below, both from the Dexinshuwu Collection.

唐 三彩幾何紋長頸瓶 成交价:港元 437,500 估价:港元 100,000 – 港元 180,000

唐 三彩長頸瓶

唐 三彩手爐 成交价:港元 1,000,000 估价:港元 150,000 – 港元 200,000

唐三彩被視為唐代文化藝術的成就,在中國陶瓷史上擁有特殊地位。因外觀斑斕華麗,無論在造型、裝飾、色釉和燒製工藝上均呈現中國製瓷的非凡技藝。是次「古今 | 佳士得」拍賣呈獻的一系列唐三彩器更反映當時的社會習俗和文化特色,其種類和款式之廣,讓藏家得以多角度認識唐三彩鮮為人知的一面。

Sancai-glazed pieces enjoy a unique status in the long history of Chinese ceramics. From their captivating colours to the meticulous craftsmanship they embody, these stunning objects offer a window onto the customs and culture of ancient times, and new perspectives on the concept of beauty itself.

1 comentario

1 million HKD for the Sancai incense burner back in 2016, very impressive buy.

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