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唐代筆記 vol.24 瓜形香盒:哈佛銅香盒 vs 景德鎮宋代白瓷瓜形香盒 - Lobed Melon Shape Cover Box


此外,日本的收藏界亦有所斬獲,其中東洋古美術繭山龍泉堂(Mayuyama Ryusendo)和浦上蒼穹堂(Uragami Sokyudo)各自擁有一件或多件與此類香盒造型相近的作品,進一步證明了這種形式不僅在中國本土享有盛譽,同時也為東亞其他地區的收藏家和研究者所青睞。





尺寸:7 × 7.4 厘米




拍品編號 3083


高度:4 厘米

估價:港幣 150,000 至 200,000 元(美元 25,641 至 38,462 元)

成交價:港幣 240,000 元(美元 30,769 元)


  1. 十面靈壁山居藏品,編號 BE21

  2. Ben Janssens Oriental Art


Ben Janssens Oriental Art 曾於 2009 年 3 月 13 日至 3 月 22 日在荷蘭馬斯特里赫特舉辦的歐洲美術博覽會上展出(見第 60–61 頁)。


POLY 拍賣 – 中國陶瓷及藝術品,香港,2021 年 4 月 21 日

繭山龍泉堂 Mayuyama Ryusendo




高 5.1 cm 胴径 7.0 cm




尺寸:高度 2 3/4 英吋(7 厘米);直徑 2 1/4 英吋(5.7 厘米)

資金來源:Fletcher 基金,1927 年

館藏編號:27.119.20a, b


來源Desmond FitzGerald 持有,直到 1927 年(1927 年 4 月 22 日至 23 日於紐約美國藝術協會拍賣會上以拍品編號 22 出售,後由大都會藝術博物館收藏)

In recent years, scholars and collectors have shown growing interest in the remarkable continuity of form across different dynasties and materials in Chinese incense boxes. The Tang dynasty copper incense box housed at the Harvard University Art Museum, noted for its distinctive lobed melon shape, strikingly resembles the blue-white porcelain melon-shaped incense boxes produced in Jingdezhen during the Song dynasty. Whether observed at auction—such as the Southern Song blue-white incense boxes exhibited by POLY Auction—or within the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, these objects demonstrate a persistent design tradition that transcends time and material.

Furthermore, similar pieces have also been acquired in Japan. Institutions like Mayuyama (龍泉堂) and Urakami Soukyu-dou each hold examples of incense boxes with this iconic shape, underscoring that the design is not only celebrated in China but has also garnered significant attention among collectors and researchers throughout East Asia.

From a historical and aesthetic perspective, the “melon” shape likely originated as an innovative aesthetic solution during the Tang dynasty. Its design may have been driven by both practical considerations—such as ease of handling and the controlled diffusion of fragrance—and by a desire for decorative elegance and symbolic meaning. Over time, this form evolved in material—from copper to porcelain—and in technical execution and decorative detail, yet its fundamental shape remained remarkably consistent. This consistency suggests a deep-rooted continuity in aesthetic values and design language among ancient artisans, even as they adapted their techniques to new materials and changing tastes.

This cross-dynastic transmission of form not only reflects the ancient Chinese pursuit of uniting beauty with functionality in object design but also illustrates the enduring legacy of cultural exchange and aesthetic tradition. From the Tang and Song dynasties to today’s international museum collections and auction platforms, these incense boxes serve as a significant example for studying Chinese art history, ceramic evolution, and cross-cultural artistic dialogue.

Harvard University Art Museum

1930.12: Lobed, Covered Incense

7 x 7.4 cm

Auction, POLY

A Pair Of Small Qingbai 'Melon' Boxes And Covers,

Southern Song Dynasty, 1127-1279

Lot 3083.  A Pair Of Small Qingbai 'Melon' Boxes And Covers, Southern Song Dynasty, 1127-1279. H 4cm .  

Estimate HKD 150,000 - 200,000 (USD 25,641 - 38,462) .

Sold Price: HKD 240,000  (USD 30,769 ) .

Copyright 2021 © Poly Auction Hong Kong Limited

Provenance  : 1.  The Ten-views Lingbi Rock Retreat Collection, no. BE212. Ben Janssens Oriental Art .

Exhibited and Literature :  Ben Janssens Oriental Art at The European Fine Art Fair: Masstricht, Netherlands, March 13 - March 22, 2009, p. 60-61

Poly Auctions . Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Hong Kong, April 21, 2021

Mayuyama Ryusendo

MET Museum

Box in the shape of a melon

Song dynasty (960–1279)

H. 2 3/4 in. (7 cm); Diam. 2 1/4 in. (5.7 cm)

Credit Line: Fletcher Fund, 1927

Object Number: 27.119.20a, b

Marking: Impressed mark on the bottom: Cheng (probably the patron's surname) and cursive signature

Provenance: Desmond FitzGerald , until 1927 (sale at American Art Association, New York, April 22–23, 1927, no. 22, to MMA)


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