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茶入筆記 vol.11 利休物相唐物茄子茶入,靜嘉堂文庫藏 - Tea Caddy Notes, Rikyu Nashu from the Seikado Bunko Collection.




值得注意的是,普通人家是不能用「傳來」一詞的,只有大名和貴族才可以用這個詞。現階段茶道具的收藏十分火熱,爾心急的古董商,若未了解茶道的規制的情況下,常常製造出許多笑話:偽造箱子、偽造箱書、偽造標籤⋯ 這一切都真實地反應了當下藏家和經銷商道德和知識的缺失。

This is a highly sought after tea caddy of the Chinese orgin. Packed with an illustrious legacy, having passed through the collections of Sen no Rikyu, the Tokugawa family, and the very important one-eyed dragon Date Masamune of Oshu, and finally into the Iwasaki family of the Mitsubishi Group, from nobility to zaibatsu, making it a tea caddy with a history full of stories.

It is worth noting that commoners are not allowed to use the term "傳來", only daimyo and nobles are allowed to use this term. At this stage, the collection of chamono is very heated. Eager antique dealers, without understanding the rules and regulations of the tea ceremony, often create a lot of jokes: forged inscription, forged boxes, forged labels. All of this is a true reflection of the lack of morals and knowledge of collectors and dealers of our time.


蓋 四半清作‧利休好、立古作‧肯山公好、印斎作‧遠州好二

仕覆—五、輪違緞子‧絽地柿地唐花縫‧縅間道‧笹蔓手菊唐草紋緞子‧蜀金織留 家鉄刀木、金粉文字‧書付小堀権十郎筆 菱形堆黒盆 



【伝来】千利休 — 徳川家 — 伊達政宗 — 升屋平右衛門 — 岩崎家

【寸法】高5.5 口径:2.5 胴径:6.1 底径:2.9 重さ:65


重要美術品 宋至元〈大名物 唐物茄子茶入 利休物相〉與南宋〈堆黑螭龍紋稜花盆〉,靜嘉堂文庫美術館藏。



這個茶入是一個 "大名物"茶入,最初為千利休所持。自第三代德川幕府將軍家光將其賜予伊達政宗以來一直為仙台藩主伊達家族所擁有。

這個茶入具有濃郁的中國色彩,增加了一個象牙蓋子、一個中國漆器托盤和來自亞洲的各種染色紡織品。 數百年前的染織品至今仍在 "使用",這也是日本書法和茶道用具的獨特之處,令人驚訝。



所有這些都是明代(15-16 世紀)的作品,還有 「唐花兎文段纖仕類1インド(16~17世紀)。挽家の仕覆(「蜀江錦」)是用珍貴的中國和印度名畫和刺繡製作的。



A considerable number of Chinese ceramics in the collections of major Japanese museums are labelled as "Daimyo objects", which in fact does not mean "objects of considerable fame" as some Chinese speaking collectors literally understand it. In fact, "Daimyo objects" are not literally "objects of considerable fame" as some people think, but rather objects that have been collected and catalogued by "Daimyo" in the history of Japan. The name "daimyo" was used to refer to the lord in the ancient feudal system of Japan.

The term "daimyo" was derived from the term "lord", which was a term used to refer to the lord of a certain amount of land or a manor, and the one who had the larger amount of land was the daimyo, or "daimyo" for short. The definition of daimyo varied from one era to another in Japan, and was basically equivalent to that of the ancient Chinese feudal lords.

During the Higashiyama period in Japan, the Japanese aristocracy practiced the tea ceremony and took pride in collecting Chinese porcelain, mainly tea bowls, incense burners, and floral wares. The daimyo were at the top of the Japanese aristocracy, and their collection of Tang wares was the most exquisite. At present, we have seen a few pieces of the historical famous daimyo things, kiln mainly concentrated in the Jian kiln, Jizhou kiln, Chayang kiln, Longquan kiln and Hongtang kiln.

After all, the distinction of Karamono and Wamono has long had a high degree of consensus, trying to sell Wamono as Karamono is considered a short term behavior by some of the dealers who are desperate to make money.








挽家の仕覆(「蜀江錦」)の前には、貴重な中国やインド製の名物裂、刺繡からなる、丸くかわいらしい仕覆が5つ。 “緒つがり”と呼ばれる紐の部分も、それぞれ異なる配色で仕立られた、仙台藩主‧伊達家の見事な“仕覆コレクション”です。

『東山御物内別帳』『玩貨名物記』 『松屋筆記』『今井宗久日記』などに記載されています。


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